March 13, 2025

VIDEO: 10 of the best Composting tips – Easy composting at home!

This video is a second video after my ’10 terrific tomato growing tips’ which is doing well so that inspired me to tell you the top 10 composting tips and turn it into a ‘top 10’ series, and you will learn how to make your composting a success. If you follow these simple rules you will be getting compost in 6-9 months time, for spending hardly any money. If you want to know more about adding weeds to compost you can take a look at this video: to learn more. If the 10 terrific tomato tips caught your eye well here is a link straight to that video: Feel free to ask any further questions down below!

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: 10 of the best Composting tips – Easy composting at home!

  1. There aren't too bad, we just let the compost do what it wants and haven't had many slugs but if you do place a strip of copper wire the whole way around the compost bin and that will give the slugs an electric shock when they try to go over so they won't be able to get into your compost pile, thanks for watching Halvor!

  2. Hi huw , can you tell me please, I have had a lot of moss build up on my house roof over the last few years, which does contain some soil, in total there's around half a wheelie bin full, is this compostable?
    Thanks in advance John

  3. Why not introduce some diluted raw yogurt & organic vinegar to pickled the whole pile sealed up for a week. Then mix up with at least 50% soil. Leave for 3 weeks covered up. U hv a potent soil conditioner.

  4. If you use mostly green ingredients it goes much faster. If u use plain grass clippings and turn every couple of days it can be ready in less than 2 weeks

  5. Indrekk Pringi2 months ago You must be one of those American republicans like Trump!!!

    Great video and information. I am from Toronto Canada and will be building a composite pile using pallets

  6. Thank you Huw, I am just starting out in gardening and found your video very useful and informative, I'm just starting my composting pile this weekend your information helped enormously. 🙂 Look forward to future videos 🙂

  7. Hello Huw, thanks for the great gardening advice as usual, its truly GREAT! I have one of those plastic 330 litre compost bins with just a lid and small hatch at the bottom, and wondering how the air is going to get to the compost? Please advise on this if you can I am a bit confused on my type of compost bin, cheers.

  8. I know what you mean what you said it does actually it keeps on a mice away don't keep that's where anything so you've just mentioned about that's that is going to cause that's I've looked it up on Google

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