March 25, 2025

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Self sufficiency improvisation

  1. Reuse it fix it build it mix it…

    On the electric cord thing. This may not work for you but it did for my Dad. He has a small generator he puts in his pickup truck and uses it to run his electric chainsaw and other cutting tools and such for around the property. Perhaps that's too expensive for your boss though.

  2. I'm so glad you changed your channel name to The Self sufficient Life and your re-branded it all like you have! I think that was one of the best things that you could have done. There's a pep in your step, I can here relief and positivity in your voice, and I can tell that you're right at hope! I think your videos will flow just like this one in the future. This video was incredible, well said. It's about the mentality behind the actions!

  3. Single use vacuum bags….
    Its takes ten mins to pull out the dust/cat hair/ crap out of them through the inch and a half hole at the top, give them few knocks, good as new…Ok, so your hands get a bit dirty.
    Even if they tear after you do this more that once, duct tape saves the day

  4. I agree.
    Improvisation, and the use of our most precious ability, our creativity, are so important! It`s my life motto. Just as a muscle, our creativity also needs daily training to keep fit.

    Good video, Jay!

  5. Good ol' Southern Ingenuity Jay! My maternal gramps was really self sufficient, he had to be, being a sharecropper in south texas, meant everybody in the family helped out with the chores, and he never threw stuff away, at least if it was beyond repair,…i have one regret, there was a whole bunch of glass jars(not mason jars, just the commercial type), and those jars would have been great for making a vinegar/citrus peel cleaner,….while you're kickin' your boss' butt, send me a virtual kick in the butt!lol,…thumbs up good buddy!! 

    p.s.For the citrus peel cleaner, if ya haven't already checked it out, just click on Mrs. Volfie's HalfAcreHomestead channel.

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