I guarantee that there will be thousands of people tonight sticking their nasty jeans covered in the daily dirt, filled with dead skin particles and full of fart blossoms in the freezer with their food.
VIDEO: Freeze your jeans and loose your mind
I guarantee that there will be thousands of people tonight sticking their nasty jeans covered in the daily dirt, filled with dead skin particles and full of fart blossoms in the freezer with their food.
LOL,….full of dirt, grime, dead skin cells and fart blossoms, and whatever happened to personal higiene?!! Yep, those same brain-dead vids are the first ones to pop up in full view, the interesting videos and articles, ya gotta dig deeper.Over here there's this university age kid who post these stupid videos, his user name, wherevertomorro, people actually crave this stuff?!! Thumbs up good buddy.
Hahah what an article,Im sure some people will try this, lets hope theyre wearing the jeans at the time. Ty fella had me laughing.
Unbelievable. What will they think of next? lol
LOL I've been freezing my pants for years! Maybe that's why my crotch stinks? hehe Good video, with great thoughts! Thanks for sharing, I appreciate it!
Part of the problem with technology is that people no longer know how to think anymore.
I recently saw where people spend more time watching cooking shows than actually cooking, no one knows how to or wants to do anything anymore.
I was recently talking to my 78 year old neighbor and he sounds like Einstein compared to most younger adults not only that but he was up on the roof putting on new shingles about a month ago.
He may be old but at least he's not lazy and he can wear out his own jeans.
I belive that jeans will turn quite heavy after a while, -and the smell? -Don`t dare to think about it..
However, something else caught my attention on this site, -is it slug-eggs they want us to eat in the article shown on the right side?
They want us to lose any common sense to control us better. That´s why, all this stupidity in the media. I think, nowadays, they already got quite a big chunk of the population.
I have built up a resistance to the bacteria / fungi that frequent my nut sack + I wear £10 jeans from Tesco, so I will stick to being a non-hipster and bung 'em in the wash when they get a bit crunchy or mushrooms start growing out the front
lol. I have been wanting to grow mushrooms ,-)