A special thanksgiving episode you won’t want to miss! I hope everyone is safe, and enjoying their lovely thanksgiving today. I also hope everyone will stay safe, and be thankful for at least one thing in your life. Thank you again for a wonderful year, and so much more to come!
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I am so happy for you. I wish you the best. Thank you for all you do. I now have a garden because of you.
That is great. Good things happen to good people. Keep up the great work and congrats!
-Jeff, The Executive Gardener
Lovely! Congratulations to you both on your engagement, I wish you nothing but green lights on your journey through life together.
Best Wishes, Brendan.
Congratulations and Happy Thanksgiving to you both!
Congrats bro happy for you well done on the money couldn't have gone to a more deserving dude
Congrats on the engagement. Happy Thanksgiving Luke!
Awesome, you deserve it
great news , good luck best wishes god bless
Nice to hear about the engagement! Congratulations you two. What a nice donation for the channel too, use it well! Looking forward to all of the new good things here.
Happy Thanksgiving & Congratulations. Thank you for your hard work and great info/tips.
Congrats Luke! She seems to be a real positive influence on your life. God bless the 2 of you!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy thanksgiving to u Luke and stay safe even you
I have never commented on your channel before… How freakin' amazing are you two? I am grateful for you and your channel. You are so blessed and it is wonderful to see you spreading your blessings to others…
Congratulations to both of you!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Enjoy gardening together!
Congrats to both of you on your engagement!!! Also, congrats on the donation that you received for your channel, you absolutely deserve it
-Happy Thanksgiving!
Congrats to your both. Growing veggies is like growing love between two people. It takes love and patience, but it is so worth it.
Congratulations! I'm thankful for your channel and look forward to upcoming videos.
Congratulations to you both! Thanks for sharing.
Congrats to you both!!! Love the new intro. So happy for your accomplishments. And Cindy, you said everything so wonderfully!
Such a warm video for a freezing day…where you are at least. Stay warm!!
Congratulations Luke on your website and your engagement. Love is wonderful. Sharing life with that special person is a blessing. Smiles, Lark
Just LOVE the new intro!!
Also looking forward to new, creative and innovative camera work with Cindy involved <LOL>…congratulations you two.
Your donor is a godsend.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Congratulations to you two!
Congrats Luke, I think that this is one of your best episodes EVER!
You are being blessed every day for blessing each one of us and we are so thankful to you for keeping it real and making a difference in the world each day. God Bless!
Congrats Luke!!!!!!
Congratulations, you guys are Beautiful together.
Good thanksgiving from France
What a cute couple! Congrats! So glad I discovered your channel this year. You make gardening fun. Thank you for all your hard work!
Congratulations! Always nice to see someone find love!
Congratulations pretty lady Cindy and Luke!!! Yaaaaay!!!