I made this video a couple of months ago and forgot to upload. My Grandfather taught me a bit about pruning but I haven’t done it for many years. Started taking care of my father in laws trees a few years ago. As I has not done so in many years I decided to take a part time seasonal job with a highly experienced local person. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I remembered much more than I thought and it gave me the opportunity to ease back in under the direction of a professional. I am no expert but basic pruning is not difficult. There is no reason one cannot do for themselves unless they have too many. If one is just beginning or has badly overgrown trees perhaps the first cutting should be done by a professional but I see no reason one cannot continue on their own with basic knowledge.
It is easy to trim more than you wanted. Thanks for posting this vid. Best Wishes with the rest of the pruning! Take care
Bit of a hair cut J. Your right to cut out the heart rot. Its comming on. Dave
Great video. I need to cut my mango tree. It's growing crazy.
Merry Christmas to all Feliz Navidad
I knew nothing about how to do this to mature apple trees before this video. Thank you for going though it, I'm learning!
I'm a greenhorn when it comes to apples Jay, but this is very interesting, i wonder if these techniques on pruning also apply to apricot trees, i've planted apricot pits and they've sprouted very easily but a seedling that made it to about the size of the cropped apple tree of yours, flowered the first year but gave no fruit, the second year flowered less, i snapped off some branches that seemed dry and the whole tree died, what did i do wrong? Snap the branches off instead of pruning 'em with shears or a saw? Thumbs up good buddy!
Very good video. I pruned an apple tree that a planted a month or so ago. Now I have to get some weights to make the branches come down just a little further.
Didn't quite have time for the corn to pop but thanks for the intermission

Do you do stone fruit in a similar way Jay ?
Cheers sir & all the best to you & yours for 2014
Thanks for the presentation as you answered some of my questions per apple/cherry trees not having been pruned for 25 years. Thanks again.
can I cut the center trunk on an old Apple tree that has like four or more branches below it that are just as big if not bigger