March 8, 2025

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Short update and part 1 self sufficient mentality

  1. I totally agree with you Jay! I'm trying my hardest to get to a place of being self sufficient but the only way I will get here is if I can find ground and a place to "set up camp" so to speak. When I get this…I'm going to be working my ass off to not rely on anything or anybody around me! I'm fortunate to know you brother, I value all you have to offer and say!

  2. Whew!!! Lotsa hard work ya been goin' through good buddy, then again who said life was easy, easy for the sheeple who follow the leader no matter what, ya know the farmer who sold the land for the housing development where i actually live in, kept a whole block for  himself, i'm guessin' its maybe a whole hectaire, back in '07 he developed a vacant lot of his into a autobody mechanic business, with the flailing economy he closed it at the end 2011, 2012 he announced it was for rent, 2013 he's tooken the sign down and the property is vacant and here i am thinkin' this place would be great as a permaculture project, i've yet to contact this guy on this matter, but i can easily imagine his naying the whole idea, people here are so caught up with making money when the true value of things is in WHAT YOU DO and HOW YOU DO IT, Communitywise, thumbs up Jay, now on to your next vid, what was it the apple tree one huh? =)

  3. A lot of people in our country have an entitlement point-of-view. They actually think that if the government becomes more powerful, they will be better off. They need to read the old history books; not the new books they've come out with that have changed the facts. This country became great due to hard work, perseverance and a can-do attitude. Self-sufficiency should be every American's goal.  . 

  4. I agree it is very irritating to talk to people who say I  am self sufficient and then when you ask questions like where do you get the wood to heat your home and the answer is people give it to me because I cant afford !!! Then they really are not getting it when they get food from food banks, there is nothing wrong with getting help but they are fooling them selves in to thinking they are self sufficient with a government cheque in hand. I really enjoy your videos have to play catch up have been busy and family members were sick thank you

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