March 12, 2025

14 thoughts on “VIDEO: Log fire

  1. Nice to boil the coffee kettle on those. Nothing taste better than a cup of "forest" coffea, with a nice touch of resin taste. Love it.
    Very good sentiment!

    Wish you and your ones a peaceful and good Christmas.

  2. Cool Log fire Jay, sorry to hear you've a cold, hope ya get better good buddy, and many thanx for the Christmas wishes, hopin' you and yours have a WONDERFUL FROLICH WIEHNACTHEN!!! =)

    P.S. Hope i spelled Merry Christmas in German correctly.

  3. I've never heard of that kind of wine before Jay, sounds like it might be for me! Amen about finding peace in our hearts and doing away with all the hatred….I'm with you here 100% brother! Great video, Merry Christmas!

  4. Those Swedish firelogs look great; although I've never tried making one myself.
    I fully agree that we should all try to increase the peace… it would be good for all of us, not just for Christians at Christmas.

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