The Yacon is beginning to show itself. Trying to root some wild rose cuttings for rose hips and discussing my view of contentment as part of the self sufficient mentality.
VIDEO: Yacon rose hips self sufficient mentality part 3
The Yacon is beginning to show itself. Trying to root some wild rose cuttings for rose hips and discussing my view of contentment as part of the self sufficient mentality.
"Sepp Holzer's Permaculture" – what a great Christmas gift!
Amen, Amen, Amen Brother! You all should go and check out my friends Channel. His videos are a little round around the edges but they are packed with quality content focused on "Mentality" about life!
Quality Of Life is a state of mind and my state of mind is directly affected by things that bring me to a state of peacefulness (ie. God, nature, family, growing food, communicating with people, etc…). I loved this video Jay, I got a bar of soap for Christmas too! lol It was made in Russia…oops.
Philippians 4:11-12 – Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
What Makes You Content?
#SelfSufficeint #QualityOfLife #Contentment
I saw a couple of vids on here about Sepp Holzers farm amazing stuff I might have to order that book sir. You have some nice seed too. I hear what your saying. Dave
love your stuff buddy…. old Ronny Swanson
I just brutalized a few of my roses that needed to get back under control! I look forward to updates!
Spending time with family is always a wonderful thing and it looks like you are going to have a great garden this year Thanks for the look!
Like the "twist" you did with showing the seeds, and talking about something different simultaneously. You really got a good amount to sow in the months too come.
Hope your rose cuttings do it! I havent tried the water propagation method with roses yet, and I`m looking foreward too see how your ones turns out.
Best wishes,
Great talk, and you got some awesome stuff to grow!!!

I don´t like red and white X-Mas, either!
All the best, amigo!
Sage words ya share with us Jay ol' buddy,….Christmas is done turned materialistic and consumerist,….lol,..was it las christmas or your daughter's birthday and you were teasing her, you were gonna get her a malibu barbie,…hehehehe….and your sweet child said "no dad, i want a KNIFE",…something useful, that grand variety of veggies is so mindblowing,….all the more to free ourselves from the system, ya walk in a supermarket and the choices are so limited, only cash crops, because it makes more money for the comercial growers,…yacon and your wild rose cuttings, hope they do great, before i thought yacon was pronounced like bacon,…hehehe, now i know the correct pronunciation and btw, the huazontles, 'aztec broccoli',…its amazing that people outside of here consider these milennium crops when the locals here shun them, preferring the average veggies, thumbs up Jay, hopin' ya all had a great Christmas and New Year's 2014!
Great thoughts yet again Jay.. Thanks for sharing

Nice selection of seeds too
I think for a subject that is so vast such as permaculture, to not have at least a basic framework of something to follow is basically not helpful for the beginner. I am not sure I will find the Permaculture book helpful because I have no property yet and no good way to get started. There is nothing helpful out there for us beginners.
I wish yacon grew here…too cold. Also, a rose hedge would be so neat, trying to figure out how to propagate from cuttings, but can't seem to get it right. I love Sepp's book as well. Good video, love your channel.
Want what you have and you will always have what you want!