Make a lasagna bed with Pat and build new gardens while maintaining the mycorrhizal fungi and biology in the soil. Expert tips on making an effective lasagna bed will help you grow abundantly with this no till method.
VIDEO: Making a Lasagna Bed with Patryk Battle
Make a lasagna bed with Pat and build new gardens while maintaining the mycorrhizal fungi and biology in the soil. Expert tips on making an effective lasagna bed will help you grow abundantly with this no till method.
Thank you for posting this. This is excellent info and I appreciate it! Subbed.
Question: If I start the bed now (Late September) in zone 6a, will it be plantable in the spring? I am going to make one anyway but it makes a difference as to where to put it if it won't be ready to use in April. Thanks, great video.
My tomatoes are growing outside in the UK. The weather has been very hot but the lasagne bed is working brilliantly. Never seen such great results.
Great video !! Thank you for sharing !!
Great video. Thank you for posting!
Thanks! How did the Spanish moss do as a layer component?
Great Video! I should know about this as I wrote 3 Lasagna Gardening books, Lasagna Gardening, Lasagna Gardening for Small Spaces and Lasagna Gardening with Herbs.