Today I have a very special video. We have a great guest all the way from Alberta in Canada. I highly recommend you subscribe to him:
Please watch to learn about the challenges through growing in an extremely cold climate.
Don’t forget to like his Facebook Page too!
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nice interview guy's but is that all the questions you could think of ? not that I have any in mind right now :/ lol thanks for sharing
That was great, guys. I really enjoyed.
Hot peppers are some of my favorite too!! I think the best way to cook anything from the garden is very simple. Too many seasonings take away from the wonderful flavor we get from gardening, picking fresh veggies are the best..
That was good! Would love to see more like this with other gardeners around the world.
I watch his videos C=
Great video guys! Fun idea! I garden in Canada but here on Vancouver Island in BC, we are zone 8b.
Thank you hew for interviewing Stephen. I have been a big fan of his for a long time and he is a very interesting guy!
Great interview
… and my tomatoes are in the ground as of this weekend! Yeah, sorry, I just had to run that in just a tad. Thanks Huw for giving Stephen the spotlight for just a few minutes. His channel is fantastic and he is a great guy.
Wonderful interview! Alberta seems to be an extremely challenging environment to garden in. Definitely different from Alabama! I've enjoyed @*****'s channel for a while now and I'm so glad to see him getting some exposure on this interview! I've got some fatalli peppers growing that may be too hot for you, Stephen!
Splendid interview, and a great job done by you two! Thumbs up.
I so agree that we learn so much from eachother here on YT. And, the best of all, there`s gardeners from all kind of zones and climates. Inspiring and very helpful.
Keep up the good work, mate.
Great interview and video Stephen! I like your optimism and looking forward to your pepper plants…will also be trying your pruning methods! Misilla
Really nice interview, @HuwsNursery and @Alberta Urban Garden ! Both of you have very informative channels and its good to see the YT gardeners supporting each other! We all grow this way!
HAHAHA Hell yes we CAN garden in Alberta, Steve is up in Edmonton and I am down in Calgary, we are same zone but being closer to the mountains we have less frost free days then he does up north. But using different tricks like cold frames and poly tunnels can grow all sorts of things.