Tip to easily get those eggs from under a broody hen that is aggressive. Demo on getting pecked to show if it hurts and how to stop a chicken pecking. http://www.selfsufficientme.com/
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
AWESOME! Thanks for sharing.
If you had a nesting box that opens from the back, you just lift her backside up and collect the eggs
I love fresh eggs. I would love to have a chook or 2 for my suburban backyard. But, I know it is a huge responsibility, so will see.
Thanks for doing this video
I must admit I am a bit scared to get pecked by my broody chooks and my 7 year son has more guts than I do and does it hahaha
they picked on people because they trying to catch them
Cool trick!
But those are her eggs?!
Lol yea shes a butthole..
Thank you for making this video
Lmao. My 5 month old hen breaks skin every time. The one we suspect to be a rooster comes up to me and stares like I've got 12 heads.
Shes aggressive because your trying to take her eggs,she doesn't want her eggs to get harmed
Thank you! I am taking care of my neighbors' chickens this week and one of them definitely doesn't like me. Your video helps!
What about wearing a strong work glove on one hand and getting the eggs with the other ?
At the farm where I worked at called FH (I can't give out whole name due safetly)we have few broody hens I manage get used to getting pecked on when I collect eggs I get pecked by couple of hens but I paid no attention to itor react I just let them pecked me.I;m brave but sometimes I give one of chickens light tap on it's beak and told it No Pecking it sometimes work
she's probably warming the eggs to hatch.
I’d punch that fucking chicken straight in the beck.
A mini riot shield, love it.
I’ve had a Cuckoo Maran who’s drawn blood from my mother’s hand when she tried to get eggs from under her!
Have you ever tried just confronting her with an egg? I mean, have an egg in your hand when you collect eggs. The hen gets super flustered when she tries to peck your hand but hits eggshell. Gently rub it on her face and talk to her softly. It seriously breaks them from hand pecking permanently because they associate your hand with the egg. Am I the only person to know this?
Mine give me a hard stare down but dont do much lol
HaHaHa Amazing Way
Lol I just took a hard mango and trew it at the chicken then it ran away and I just took them