No dig gardening, beds with compost on top, sowing carrots and planting lettuce, using a fleece cover
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Hey there can i use just compost rather than soil
So you need too thin your carrots?
What date was the carrot and radish sowing outside here? March?
How much time does new compost have to sit before planting? Can i add compost and plant in a month?
Do you have a video showing the very beginner what to do? I just found you and would like to grow this spring. I'm in a zone 5 in the USA with roughly 135 growing days. I'd love to get a video telling all of us beginners exactly what to do and what not to.
And side note, does the cardboard hinder the growth of the carrots? Isn't it hard for the plant roots of other plants to grow through?
Que lindo, poder plantar e se delíciar com verduras fresquinhas.
Can anyone recommend a good fleece?
Do you know if the age of the seed affect whether it grows? I've been told it does but I can't understand why that would be. The seed is inert as it is and just waiting for the right environment. Thoughts?
Thorn plants make great slug fence. So I’ve heard I am trying it out. I am inspired by you Charles and am using your methods to grow everything I can in New England.
Is it true that sowing or planting straight into compost is bad for plant? Some say it gets to hot.
How much land do you have for growing? Love your videos
Hermosa música. Además variedad en la huerta. Estaría muy bueno que fuera Subtitulada en ESPAÑOL.
It's amazing to see how far the garden has come over the years!
Great video; Charles Dowding' Practical Way, Simply Amazing!
Was that just an optical illusion that you sowed a good 2" deep? Most people say the seed will not grow through with anything more then a cm. Always learning!
Would you advise sowing carrot clusters in modules first, and then planting out just after they germinate, so that tap root not disturbed
So pure compost will not burn the plants??
I wonder what a fleece is called in the USA. Anyone know?
Do you have any idea how can I get rid of mole crickets? They have started in my area a few years ago to multiply excessively and now is so hard for me to plant anything in my garden. I was hopping that using No dig method and raised beds with cardboard will improve the situation, but they seem to like a lot the compost and the moisture + the hot weather. I'm so envy of you seeing how easy you can direct plant in the soil everything from seeds to little plants without the risk of being eaten over night..
2:55 Is that walking stick cabbage behind Charles when the lettuce plugs are being planted?
Hi Charles you are the best gardening teacher ever! Thank you for all you do! Stay safe and healthy!
I note this video is 7 years old. So much has transpired on your farm since them.
Hi Charles – now im even watching your very old videoes, for maximum no-dig learning
A question: don't you sow green manure crops in autumn to over winter? Or are your beds only covered with compost over winter until you plant the first crop?
Hello Charles,
I did a whoops the other day and sewed my carrot rows much MUCH too thickly. They haven’t germinated yet. Do you think I could thin them (presuming I can find my exact rows -I didn’t sow radish with them, but I do at least have lettuce between the rows) pricking out as it were before they germinate, moving extras to a new location? I’d hate to waste so much lovely fresh carrot seed.
If they have started to germinate could I move them before they emerge?
Thank you so much for your gardening videos. Watching from Australia, much hotter and dryer!
Hi Charles growing main crop potatoes in 30 litre containers can you sow two layers of two thanks
I just had to watch this retro video. You've come a long way Charles, and your Videos continue to educate and inspire so many.
After watching your videos and others, I decided to plant straight into compost. This compost was purchased by local county recycling plant. I've recently taken classes and have been watching other videos that say don't plant straight into compost. I'm so confused because it seems that's what you're doing and you get great results? Any help would be greatly appreciated.