This video shows a range of self seeded vegetable or food plants and seedlings, which can easily pop up in the garden by themselves so we can get top food plants for free! Blog:
Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”
Endive… Mmm what is it like… Rocket? Tumeric looks good mate. Cheers Mate! David
Very good video ,,,,, What type of seed are you using ?
very good video
How would a newbe know what's a good sprout and what's a weed?
I saw that u have straw on the beds. Did u get lots of grass seedlings pop up? I did. Do u have problem w them coming up, and have to plugging them? what do u have to do to get no grass growing in your gardens? thanks. I love your vid, everything is so nice, and easy. although, i have never grown them myself.
You can ramble all you want! I enjoyed this. Thank you
What kind of mulch are you using? Where are you? I’m in Texas and we are very hot I need mulch and my plants did not do good this year with the cedar mulch I used.
I started composting this spring, it is fall in my area now, I have tomato seedlings popping up from my compost, I know they won't make it, but maybe some will pop up this spring, I had catnip transfer to another pot from seed, that was cool, all about free plants, love your videos
thx for this video
, currently here it is already freezing by night , sad because I had young zucchini popping up and I was gonna transfer them to a large pot to take them behind glas indoors but water vs frost ? nah plants did not make it , not even a pumpkin I forgot outside ! So for now I only have some carrots growing , celery , leeks , cabbages and some other things that are unfurtunately dying now . So it is sowing indoors and hoping to get some lettuces and radish along with herbs (forgot to take clippings ) so yup it is sowing this year , hatefull somehow if you actually did not have to but when u get a too early frost , what to do about it , right ? love ur www btw
another great video Mark love the toad at the end
How cold does your winter get and how long is your deepest cold before your spring warmup? I am in the northern latitudes in Pennsylvania and we have all four seasons. I think gardening for you folks is different from a lot of the dryness you guys battle there to milder winters but I love your vids and the info you share.
Great videos! Been bingewatching your videos for two days, whenever I`ve had time. Loads of helpful hints and tips for a rank amateur such as myself. Thank you, sir!
I don't understand why it is called coriander everywhere but the US where we call it cilantro. The seed is a different spice/herb of the same plant and we call that coriander. I guess we are weird since most other herbs that you use the seed, you call it the same name. I just think of nutmeg and mace being the same plant, but different names like we do with cilantro. I still think I like calling it cilantro, but as I wrote this I think I see why we are the weird ones in the States.
I love your program. I get things coming up all the time but as a complete novice, how do i know what is food verses a weed? I would love your input on herbs.cheers
Enjoyed this video, it’s always such fun to find a plant has appeared. It’s like a little gift.
Mate, would love to see another of these, maybe focusing on what plants go with another, and what goes to seed well to create a better environment.
Your a great teacher, lots of information in your videos
Have you grown a curry leave plant
Great for adding flavours to any slow cooking stew or gravy
So kids this is how you can go vegan, instead of sipping soy milk latte at Starbucks and whining on twitter all day
I love your video, they are very informative and have a lot of practical tips
Gotta love volunteer plants!
Thank you for your time
The “free” plants are always the best. Maybe it is because “they wanted to be there”.
Love how you tickle the frog at the end lmao!
I love this channel.
Can you hire one of them the red planter?
Do marigolds self-seed?