March 29, 2025

VIDEO: How To Grow Big Onions – Complete Growing Guide

Onion Seed starting –
A complete growing guide on Onions. In this episode we talk about how to plant onions, different varieties of onion, Fertilizing an onion, pruning, spacing, pH, and the difference between long day and short day onions. Enjoy!
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow Big Onions – Complete Growing Guide

  1. I live just below the 37th parallel in NW Arkansas. firstly, on average, do short day or long day grow bigger than the other? Secondly, would long day onions do well on my farm if I have a grow light set up for my raised bed and would it be worth the extra cost and trouble to try to increase my harvest in both size and quantity? thanks

  2. What about pulling dirt away from the onion to expose the bulb? I've noticed in many videos a lot of bigger bulbed onions that a large part of he bulb is above the soil line. Does this help an onion bulb grow larger?

  3. Can you explain what all you put into soil for onions to grow? I have some. I'm growing 80 Walla Wallas and would love some tips from you. You're the best!

  4. Great videos all of them your fertilizer is great I just have kelp meal and a little blood meal I do about 30% kelp meal to you fertilizer and it seems to out-compete organic biotone Plus

  5. I know this is an older video, but I'll try anyway. You talked about getting better storage time out of the first years that haven't seeded, how long are you able to store them for (on average) vs those that have seeded (on average)?

  6. Hi, Great info but it would really be nice if all the onions on your website specified if they are long or short day, or better yet if a filter category could be added. I’m anxiously awaiting Michigan to remove the quarantine on gardening so I can get my stuff going. Question: if I were to plant a short day onion in a somewhat shady area, would that work for growing in Michigan?

  7. Now you’ve got me of a mind to grow onions…from seeds. But that is a project for next year. Now to decide which variety. Which ones will keep a long time? I don’t have a pantry or cellar.

  8. Hey Luke! Long time watched first time commenter… I planted a bunch of onions from sets in the fall. Now that it is becoming spring, so I need to start watering them? And how much? Thanks for all you do and all your content!!

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