March 18, 2025

VIDEO: How To Properly Start Flat Bodied Seeds Like Pumpkin

There are many flat bodied seeds. Some of these are: Pumpkin, squash, zucchini, cantalope, cucumber, watermelon, marrow, gourds, and so many more! This tip will get your seeds sprouting better, and giving you better success when planting a fewer amount of seeds.
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Properly Start Flat Bodied Seeds Like Pumpkin

  1. Please watch Blake Kirby's video, "My autistic Son: Planting Pumpkin Seeds" His name is Luke, also. I love the synchronicity that both of you planted pumpkin seeds on the same day.

  2. Good tip, thanks!

    also when you plant your seeds try and filter your planting mix so that it does not have clumpy chunks in it. These tend to make a lot of trouble for smaller seeds.

    What i like to use now is Vermiculite, Peat moss, and filtered potting mix (1:1:1 ratio) I used a mesh material bag (sort of like a laundry mesh bag) and put the potting mix in it and shake it over a bucket until i get most of the small stuff filtered out.

    You can do this with your compost or worm castings. Key thing is you want very light and fine growing medium for your seeds=)

    if you are planting outside and your spoil is very hard and clumpy, you can create a furrow place the seed and sprinkle this light mix over the top. 

    Hope this helps

  3. Great video! I kind of figured that out on my own, and I had great germination results with all of my pumpkin, melon, cucumber and zucchini seeds.

    Now if I could just master those dang bell pepper seeds!!!

  4. I just transplanted my flat bodied seedlings,  I sowed 2 per 1 inch plug and I see what you mean about rootbound just 2 days after the seeds sprouted, It was good timing to see your video since I am going to be sowing a  second batch. Thanks for making this video

    ~ Lawrence

  5. Thanks for that tip on seed placement, it's something I admit I've never thought of before. Great starter mix, similar to mine altho I didn't think about powdered Molassis, I just added  Blue Agave organic sweetener to my watering can. love the Humic acid component, have you done a lot of research on Humic acid? I am adding to my regular watering regimen for the benefits it adds to grown plants and uptake of nutrients from the soil and rock dust after its been worked on be organisms in the soil. I even add it to my worm bin.

  6. I cannot believe I have been planting them wrong for 3 years, and of course poor germination rates, they always seem to rot. Thank you so much for this video tip. Short, sweet and to the point! The White Cucumber seeds I purchased from you are waiting for next year! I will send you pictures when they are growing. I think I planted them too late here this year, they are up and flowering but only about 8" tall. 🙂

  7. Hey! So I’ve been thinking about studying horticulture/gardening and I was just curious about your education relating to plants and what you think would be the best way to make a living working with them. Thanks!

  8. All of my seeds sprouted in their container that I kept them in for future planting. Taproots and green coming from these seeds. I don't have enough pots for all of them, how can I use them all without waste? Taproots are headed in multiple directions

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