March 28, 2025

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Food Forest Tour

  1. What kind of grapes are you growing? Did you plant them this year or last?Will you give them a more permanent trellis or is the branch set up good enough. I would like to plant grapes,but I have such a small plot-10×15 feet-that I don't think it's going to be possible. You are very lucky to have such a large space to garden. Continued good fortune.

  2. Nice tour!  Is your Borage near your Tomatoes? Very good for tomatoes.  I am sooooooooo excited to see your garden in a month. I know it is going to be a WOW! 

  3. It would be fun to see some more of your daily harvest from your food forest 🙂  Any blooms or baby grapes on those vines?  It's looking great 🙂  Can't wait till I can start mine!

  4. Cool garden! I really like the food forest look. What kind of tomatoes did you plant? And how long do you think it will be before you get some tomatoes? 

  5. I have been watching all your videos from the beginning. thank you for taking the time to make these and get them out. this is a huge inspiration. thank you for sharing. i live in central florida and want to start a food forest. my small amount of gardening experiences have been filled with frustrations from stink bug infestation to just overall lack of growth. i am hoping some of the techniques i am picking up from your videos will help steer me in the right direction in the future. God bless.

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