What kind of grapes are you growing? Did you plant them this year or last?Will you give them a more permanent trellis or is the branch set up good enough. I would like to plant grapes,but I have such a small plot-10×15 feet-that I don't think it's going to be possible. You are very lucky to have such a large space to garden. Continued good fortune.
Nice tour! Is your Borage near your Tomatoes? Very good for tomatoes. I am sooooooooo excited to see your garden in a month. I know it is going to be a WOW!
It would be fun to see some more of your daily harvest from your food forest Any blooms or baby grapes on those vines? It's looking great Can't wait till I can start mine!
Cool garden! I really like the food forest look. What kind of tomatoes did you plant? And how long do you think it will be before you get some tomatoes?
I have been watching all your videos from the beginning. thank you for taking the time to make these and get them out. this is a huge inspiration. thank you for sharing. i live in central florida and want to start a food forest. my small amount of gardening experiences have been filled with frustrations from stink bug infestation to just overall lack of growth. i am hoping some of the techniques i am picking up from your videos will help steer me in the right direction in the future. God bless.
To much food to eat
Share and share alike.
Lookin' awesome
Love your food forest. I can't wait to have one. I am definitely inspired.
What kind of grapes are you growing? Did you plant them this year or last?Will you give them a more permanent trellis or is the branch set up good enough. I would like to plant grapes,but I have such a small plot-10×15 feet-that I don't think it's going to be possible. You are very lucky to have such a large space to garden. Continued good fortune.
Nice tour! Is your Borage near your Tomatoes? Very good for tomatoes. I am sooooooooo excited to see your garden in a month. I know it is going to be a WOW!
Are the herbs volunteers from last year or did you seed them all this year.
It would be fun to see some more of your daily harvest from your food forest
Any blooms or baby grapes on those vines? It's looking great
Can't wait till I can start mine!
Nice work…best lettuce patch I've seen yet!
Cool garden! I really like the food forest look. What kind of tomatoes did you plant? And how long do you think it will be before you get some tomatoes?
I guess I must be awesome then .
This looks amazing man you should be really proud!
How old is the forest at this point? 
Just to get an idea, about how large sqft or acreage wise is the food forest?
I have been watching all your videos from the beginning. thank you for taking the time to make these and get them out. this is a huge inspiration. thank you for sharing. i live in central florida and want to start a food forest. my small amount of gardening experiences have been filled with frustrations from stink bug infestation to just overall lack of growth. i am hoping some of the techniques i am picking up from your videos will help steer me in the right direction in the future. God bless.
Super super garden! Why does your garden have no weeds?
Do you put the soil on top of the wood chips when you plant seeds?