Welcome to the start of summer, another really busy time in the gardening season, today I am showing you a really neat, clever and simple way you can transplant your Cucurbits into your raised beds and have zero weeds, great way of catching water and finally absorbing the heat from the sun which will help make these plants explode with new vigorous growth!
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Great great. But wouldn't it be better to put the plastics nicely, then cut the cross and plant the seedlings!? Is there a reason why you planted then put the plastic?
Does the idea to put the plastic also works for other plants such as tomatoes, chili, melon, etc? i found my new plants has been cut/eat when they still little by something. I have no idea what to do
Great instructional video, Huw!
You're so clever! Thank you very much for teaching us your methods.
good idea but how do you get rid of slugs that make their homes underneath? every time i have used any sort of covering i get slugs, even if a plastic bag gets blown on the plot they gravitate to it
Is that plastic recyclable? :/
Very informative, and thanks, Huw!
I`m growing squash for the first time this year, and hope I get some crops from them.
All the best,
Your dad helps when needed. That's a total bonus.
Great tips, Huw! Does the plastic stay on the bed all growing season?
Thats Great Huw Like the stick idea to find the plants.
The stick method seems to help speed up the process and prevent damage to the young seedlings. Thanks for the idea and great tip.
I'd be too worried about slugs as well. Don't you need to put pellets down?
Great Job.
Instead of putting compost into the empty bed, add 5cm layer of fully fermented kitchen wastes, manure & garden scraps. Mix it into the soil. Cover the top with straw or hay or newspapers to prevent drying out & to keep insects away. Leave for a month before planting the hardened squashes & cucumbers. Water with diluted mixture organic vinegar & organic yogurt once a week. 1:10000.
I like how you say "compost"
Huw, will the plastic help stop squash vine bore?
and, I thank you.
Will the black bag prevent squash bugs and vine borers? I had a major problem with them last year with my pumpkins…
You're making levies 'round the plants.
We've got those round some of the parishes in our state, to keep water OUT lol
I have used large thick sheets of cardboard reclaimed from my local auto-glass dealership (they're the biggest sheets of cardboard I have found so far). It definitely helps keep the weeds away & keeps the soil moist.
My gosh, is that a tiny snake/worm ?
This is so informative! Thank you!
they seem to have to be quite apart from one another…
I never seem to be able to grow anything… My plants usually die…
So this year I used big yogurt buckets, dirt and compost and just put some pumpkin seeds I had dried myself. Now they are all growing!!! But I'm afraid my garden doesn't have enough space for so many
Do you weigh the plastic down with bricks incase a strong wind blows it away?
Nice one Huw .
One question. Why not put the plastic down first and then make the holes and put the plants in?
I wish people would just watch and enjoy the videos and keep their comments to themselves and pack in whinging about things. Doesn't matter what a person does in life there's ALWAYS going to be 1 troll unhappy and having their 2 pennies worth….borrring!!!
Do you keep the plastic on for the whole season or does it get removed at some point? Also, would a dark mulch work just as well?
How do you combat vine borers
Great tip about the dome.