Yes, that is right folks! We had a wild swarm, already established, and looking for a new home, so we gave them just that! The process went flawless, and I am happy to say I am now a beekeeper.
Big Swarm –
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Nice update thank you for sharing have a blessed day
This always fascinated me. My son is extremely allergic to bees otherwise we would keep them for sure
Congrats on getting the swarm Luke. I will you will have lots of fun learning about these guys. I have enjoyed working with my bees over the last year.
Bees are endangered from pesticides and bee mites. I was watching a study by Canadians on PBS or You Tube….I know you are doing a great thing by capturing this swarm and becoming a bee keeper! One of the things the researchers found is that the bee mites don't like is Oregano… plant some around the bee hive and in your herb garden….stick some in your flower beds. Red Painted Daisies, Geraniums and Marigolds are just a few really good 'pesticides' that don't harm the good insects that should be used to deter bad bugs…I am so happy about the bees!
That is really cool! When I was young I used to be around a small honey packing facility that had lots of bees on the outside. That's is when I learned that bees were really gentle creatures, unless they are provoked.
If you ever have questions about beekeeping in Michigan, give us a shout out… this is our third year in Jackson County… happy you are saving bees…
Congratulations! Love this news
Very cool, Luke. I admire your respect for these very important little creatures and your interest in taking care of them. Best wishes with your bee keeping.
Hopefully these comments are helpful. Seeing this video brings back memories.
3:46 You spray them with a lite sugar syrup which initiates grooming themselves and each other. Yes, to an extent it slows down flying.
4:03 I think they call it a brood chamber.
4:11 I would concentrate this year on building up their population. Use another deep super like the one for brood. This is all the more important in cold climates where you are. You don't want to take off the top covers next season and find they ran out of stores.
4:26 Depending upon the honey flow, you could put a queen excluder above the 2nd deep and use deeps for what you take. Another option is to use a shallow supers as they can fill those faster and they are easier to handle.
5:14 Are those shallows or medium supers — they should be deeps.
Info. from the internet is okay, but it really doesn't compare to talking with someone or a group of beekeepers with years of first hand experience. I can't emphasize enough to get involved with your local beekeeping organization.
Very cool – it will be fun to keep up with your bee adventures!
Very cool! I would like to have bees one day!
You need to try to get a beard of bees. That would be the best, lol.
Up north very true that the bees are normal honey bees in houses, but if YOU are down south be sure to contact your local college extension programs to make sure its not killer bees which have been growing in numbers for years down south.
I am trying to control my envy!! A beekeeper here told me that there are no native bees here. They have all been wiped out by mites. The beekeepers use poison to kill the mites. Most wax in foundations are contaminated with the poison now. I built a top bar hive I plan to try some day. Have you seen them ?
Well, I was going to ask how you found the swarm, but…lol That is amazing! And you leave the new home next to the fence so the others can find it? I would love to do this one day. How exciting! I can't wait to see how your beekeeping adventures go. =)
I totally agree about the respect thing. I got hit by a yellow jacket years ago and had a horrible reaction after that I was scared to death of bees. Years later, and no epi-pen handy I just give them their space and not "freak" when I see one and I can work side by side in the garden with them. =)
I think what you're doing is great! I love bees
Congrats, love my bees. It's fun to see them on your plants doing work. You will find yourself stopping mowing for every bee on your dandelions, ha ha. Someday you will be out there in shorts and sandals handling them and wondering why are people afraid of bees those people are weird.
Congratulations for acquiring your very own swarm of bees! They will enjoy the bounty of pollen and nectar in your garden.
Well check you out. Nice outfit!
I have not once been stung in the garden. I really want bees too but the wife is not on board.
Keep us updated on your adventure.
Awesome catch man. Good luck with them.
Very good
Loved the tune at the end. Glad they found you hey.
Did the bees that were left behind find the new box?
I am very interested in keeping bees and have been watching lots of videos here on you tube. Were you able to identify the queen in the swarm ?
This is such a cool video. I don't know anything about bee hives except they need a queen. How do you know if you've gotten the queen into the new home? Just curious.
Congrats. I have been fascinated about bees for many years NO BEES NO HUMANE FOOD!!!
what if there are no wild swarm of bees what would I do
When you were brushing those bees it looked like you were thinking "Oh F*** oh f** of f***, done".
What a delightful location of the swarm……no climbing 30 foot trees! I was looking for the queen catcher.