a lot of people have been asking me how I fertilize my giant show
onions and what I use to fertilize them as well. So I decided since it was time to fertilize, why not bring everyone along? Enjoy!
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awesome updste and thank you for sharing have a blessed week
Great onions!
No wonder my onions were not very impressive,lol I will try your idea next year, thank you!
Luke, your onions are definitely looking great. They're one crop that we haven't had the best results with so far. I need to up my game. Thanks for the tips!
i like to add some epsom salts to give sulfur for better flavor
I will have to try that for fertilizing my onions. Thanks for the tip!
i have had great luck with rabbit manure in the soil. i have around 400 onions growing this year.
Great tip, thanks for the bonus episode
Have you been watering with compost tea and worm tea?
Cool video Luke! The only thing I want to know is why are you mixing a granular fertilizer with water? It's not necessary to do that. In fact all you need to do is add the granules to the soil and water it in thoroughly. The fertilizer will last longer for you as well. I used to sell chemicals and fertilizer for the company I used to work for. We went to a bunch of certification seminars and that's what we were told to do. Place the correct dosage on the soil surface mix it in the top few inches without disturbing the roots and then water in thoroughly. Why do you mix yours with water? I'm just curious
Do you think it works better that why? What's you opinion?
Grab some water from your aquaponics setup and use that, excellent source of nitrogen, excellent videos, thanks!
Many thanks for the tips on growing onions. For some reason I thought adding N to onions was bad and P was good. Boy did I have that backwards. Well I still got some good onions considering the poor weather we had early in the season.
Thx for the tips, Luke, esp the one about not using phosphorus on onions. You always have the greatest in depth info like this that I usually don't have a clue about. Your onions are looking great and I predict a show winner!
Great tip and they are huge, lol, thanks!
Can we get a giant pumpkin update?
I don't know why I can't grow onions or garlic. I planted a few garlic in a small raised bed and there are 4 garlic that sprouted. I'm planning to get elephant garlic, since they are huge maybe they are stronger and easier to grow. Great video.
seen a few of your onion vids. very informative. thank you
Enjoyed and helpful!
Luke, you never replied to this question a few years back.
I want to know why are you mixing a granular fertilizer with water instead of applying directly into the soil? The fertilizer will last longer for you as well. Do you think it works better that why? What's you opinion?
I grow 1015y onions here in Oklahoma city..this is only my second year doiit and I was wondering if I can use a 14-0-0 blood meal for them every few weeks??
Where can I buy them
How many liters of water did this guy use?
You called it MI shorts. This man was ahead of his time.