The big move is over, the honey bees are in their final home. Now we look at the flowers that make a bee plot very productive. We Also take a look at home honey bees help the garden.
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Be sure to plant a mushroom patch for your bees. Keep their immune systems kicking!
Been there done that. We do what we can to move the bees. It is very scary.
On the topic of Bees & pollination I created a video of the beneficial insects in our urban garden. It's amazing seeing them dance around. Biodiversity is the key!
The white star flowers are elderflower
Nice garden. Videos like this are needed.
Do bees like mint and rosemary ?
1 Acre for 1 Hive which mean 43,560 Squre Feet which is so large amount land
I love the intro to these videos, it’s always so peaceful
If you dont know the name of the flowers, why point them out. I am looking for some bee attracting flowers that I can buy and put in pots near my cucumbers.
Hold up Kale flowers? LOL i have a 4 ft tall kale bush i transplanted 3 years ago. Im in LA and that thing gets all the sun it can ever need, i've never seen it flower or bolt or anything than produce leafs
Bees love the flowers in my garden im scared of them arent u guys scared of getting stung
If parsnips are allowed to flower will bring in large numbers of predatory wasps along with native short tongue bees. Red clover while not good for honeybees is excellent for attracting bumblebees who will enhance tomato yields. A planting of native wildflowers either in or along your garden will bring in native pollinators, honeybees, wasps, and butterflies. This will provide increased pollination and protection from plant damaging insects as well as beautiful butterflies to observe.
I'm not sure if anyone else informed you of this but that red branched flowering shrub is the Black Haw Viburnum – I was curious about what it was and looked it up.
divine wisdom
Great! Looking for ideas in my apiary this season. This is helpful
I was looking up what to plant to attract bees but then I remembered that last time I grew cucumber there were so many bees!
Highly recommend getting mosquito bed netting to throw over your hive for car rides, you can find them online super cheap and they're meant to breathe well
BumbleBees are the only bee that can pollenate Tomatoes as well as a lot of other garden plants. BumbleBees nest in the ground. thanks for the video
Honey immunity works!!!
Plant some Pow Wow Purple Cone Flowers, Asters, Cosmos, Lantana, and Coreopsis. Bees love those flowers as well as a lot of herbs. But you have to let the herbs flower so have some for your kitchen and some for the bees.
Could you please recommend an easy flowering plant to grow that honey bees love? I would appreciate it.
I recently had to drive with only about 10,000 bee's, so i understand the nervousness. I want to plant more for my Bee's
How you deal with chipmonks??
bee happy
Hello my friend. Do you happen to know of any flowering plants for honeybees that grows well in partial to complete shade?
I did it with two beehives in the back of my Jeep. Going down the interstate and some bumpy roads but we all got home safely. But I can say I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. From the research I have been doing I read that most people are allergic to ragweed which looks very similar to goldenrod. That is why most people hate the goldenrod but really they should blame ragweed for their allergy symptoms. Its Nov 2021 now and I never miss a video. Love all content. I've also purchased wonderful seeds from MIgardner. I would love to see more beekeeping videos in 2022 but I do know you are a very busy family. Thank you for all the time you put into theses information packed. videos. I read your book Auto pilot garden. Loved it. I use ALOT of your methods in my garden and on my trees with great results.