March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Mandarin & Orange Growing Backyard Walk Through

Here’s a walk through our backyard showing some different varieties of mandarins and oranges we grow. Along the way I give some tips about the varieties and how I get the best out of my trees such as fertilisers I use, pest protection, and general growing.
I have also written a blog post about growing oranges for more info visit here

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Mandarin & Orange Growing Backyard Walk Through

  1. Thanks for the tour mate, very enjoyable to watch. Myself and ma father are orange connoisseurs: we scour the neighborhood sampling the tastiest varieties. Pretty hard to go past a seedless Valencia. 
    Cheers Arj.

  2. Your mandarin tree is beautiful. ! I'm growing a gold nugget that has thorns. It's on its third year. When I bought I it it had delicious mandarins. But it hasn't flower since. It has some thorny branches and some that are thornless I read that the mandarines are thornless. What do you think? Should I remove it? Prune it? Please I need an opinion

  3. Your oranges and mandarines are juicy soooo succulent…. How old were they when they first flowered? I planted 5 grafted orange trees but 4 turned to be lemons, which after4 yrs no fruits yet. The only orange tree flowered last spring and have very tiny fruits on them. Could you please advise on how to care and maintain healthy fruit trees including peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots?

  4. Do you make a living growing mandarines and oranges? Great video. I thought Mandarines grew in India and China, is there a big citrus industry in Aussie and do you have problems with Grasshoppers swarming? Thank you.

  5. The problem with Blood Orange trees is that they need a certain amount of high heat, direct sun hours and a certain amount of cold chill hours. That's what will really give the flesh that red color. I'm not sure if it will get quite as much as it needs in your area.

  6. Im in Queensland too & the Imperial mandarin has really won me over. It's been my toughest citrus. It's targeted less by citrus leaf miner and hasn't experienced any mineral deficiencies. It's natural shape is quite formal too.

  7. Sir, I admire your backyard garden. You have a green thumb. Which state do you live? Do you know which state has the best clime for growing vegetable and fruit tree?

  8. Can anyone tell me why there are many branches on my mandarin trees that have tiny leaves? Those branches don't produce fruit. The rest of the branches have normal sized leave and they produce a lot of fruit. My trees are 3 years old.

  9. If you had a major Y in the tree 3 feet up and one was dominant and straight and the other was too big and going off to the side. Would you cut it so as to grow the tree? I want the tree bigger and believe the side branch will break anyway.

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