March 7, 2025

VIDEO: Natural Farming, From Dirt to Abundance in 92 Days

I hope that this video inspires you! Know that you can do this if you want.

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Natural Farming, From Dirt to Abundance in 92 Days

  1. Looks great James…I assume you're letting plants go to seed – all those flowers. Can't wait to see those trees and bushes in full bloom with all of those perennial crops coming up – you have a lot to look forward to in coming years.

  2. Did you guys plan out a way to make sure you always have something in bloom for as long as possible throughout the year for parasitic wasps and other predators to feed upon? I am just curious how you approach predator habitat. What is the ratio of predator plants to productive/fruiting plants?

  3. Great job, well done! Do you chop & drop? Or in Fall do you cut everything back & and put it on a compost pile? I hope to collect a lot more seed this year and use this method in my perennial flower gardens, spreading seeds of Borage, Dill, Carrot, Lettuce, Brassicas,  Mustards. For now I will still have my small LASAGNA METHOD of veggie garden beds for my tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and peppers. Take care James and keep the videos coming.

  4. Honestly man I don't know how to share, it never seems to work for me but you got my thumbs up for sure. Your videos are really interesting there different than a lot of the other back to eden garden videos on youtube.


  5. Thank you so much for your inspirational videos. It's people such as yourself that have started our family on a journey to starting our own allotment and become more self sufficient!

  6. Your garden is AMAZING! I'm definitely going to try your method next year. I'm in NJ too so now I can see what is possible in this climate. Posted your video to my garden board on Pinterest. Thank you. It's truly inspiring.

  7. This is beyond impressive.
    I've decided to make the land I have been given access to, into a food forest next year.
    Will be checking out your videos.
    Well done and God bless.

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