March 25, 2025

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Home garden update the beds

  1. Very nice and interesting update, J!
    That squash of your is really taking off! Wow..
    The tomatoes will curl their leaves automatically in wind, heat or to much sunlight. In my greenhouse they always do that when the sun becomes too intense. There are big differences in the different varieties how much, and how quick they curl their leaves. I understand very well you were wondering if it was a disease. I did the same as well the first times. 🙂
    We had 32C the last couple of days, and for me, this seems far to hot working outside in the garden. I get so dizzy after a while and receive a solid head ache. Proberly due to water loss. I sweat like a pig, lol..
    I was outside in the mustard bed today, trying to film the hundreds of wasps snatching cabbage moth larvaes. Sadly they were to fast for me, and I didn`t dare to sit there in sun too long. However, those wasps (yellow jackets) are really effective when it comes to cleaning the brassicas for larvaes! I saw the attacks several times, but the snatching job was done in a second. Wish I had a camera that focused faster.

    About the slugs, -this year we had about 1/3 the amount of slugs compared to the last years. Seems like the warm and dry weather has something to do with it. However, those slugs I`ve seen in my garden, always head for the marigold flowers.

    All the best,

  2. Is looking great Jay..
    Still want to see you poke an exploding cucumber 😀
    We have sliced preserved beetroot on hamburgers & salad sandwiches over here.. You don't find it on the burgers from the chain stores (McD's Burger king/Hungry Jacks) but is normally found on corner store burgers that have more veggies than meat or our home made ones..
    You also get a ring of pineapple on the works burgers if you're lucky.. Probably some of the healthiest junk food there is if it wasn't for the fires/chips we woof down with them..

    Cheers mate & all the best.. 

  3. Your garden's looking mighty fine Jay, the Hokaido squash sure has taken off huh? Is this a summer or one of the winter varieties of squash? ground cherries and the ever so interestin' explodin' cucumber! Thumbs up my buddy, hopin' ya all keep gettin' the rain comin', after a rest period of 3 days no rain, Lord Tlaloc is arumblin' in the skies and there are some dark clouds on the horizon, albeit for plenty of elotes(corn on the cob)for snackin' on, corn smut, can't forget that and all the other bounty Tonantzin has to offer us!! 🙂

  4. I'm glad to see your plants doing so well, Jay. Can't wait to see those exploding cucumbers fruit. We had quite a few snails at our mountain place. I put down a couple bowls with beer and salt and never caught a single one. BTW, I'm looking forward to hearing more about your Cherokee Trail of Tears beans. Can't wait to find out how they taste. Thanks for the great tour.

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