March 26, 2025

VIDEO: How to Make Money With Your Garden – Produce Stand vs. Farmers Market

Which is better? a produce stand, or a farmers market? How do the two compare? Interact with others on this topic @

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Make Money With Your Garden – Produce Stand vs. Farmers Market

  1. you know my friend i have small garden but,i always sheer with my friends but i have a friend just told me that question….why you do not sell to us? very good question because they are my friends and they do not have the time to consume and the water also to grow the garden like me …so i say why not i will doing this year where ever i grow i will tell my friends for sure…!!!

  2. I look for free markets, They practically beg for folks who sell home grown produce. so if you sell an Apple you are ahead. also my garden pays for it self it's grown from the sets I don't sell,

  3. I’m 8 years old and I was asking my parents if I can grow a garden in my backyard. They said yes and I’m trying to make money because my parents don’t pay me when I do chores. (Which is okay) So, I researched on “how to sell veggies” and this was very helpful! Thanks for the advice because I love gardening with my cousins!

  4. Hey, just some food for thought here, no pun intended. I have IBS, so that means I can't eat vegetables that are high in certain sugars. I can eat other vegetables that have a lower amount of those same sugars. This is based off what your average produce has in it, and people with IBS don't expect produce at the farmer's market to have a higher concentration of sugars than the produce at the grocery store. So they might buy your produce, have a reaction to it, and then wonder why they had a reaction when they didn't eat anything they usually react to. Obviously, if you grow most of your food for yourself, grow what you like to eat, but you might want to make customers aware of the sugar concentration because 20% of the population has IBS.

    Take myself for example, I can't eat anything with fructan(no garlic, onions, wheat, cashews, etc.), but I can have fructose in limited quantities. I can't eat a whole apple at once, but I can eat half of a normal apple. If I buy an apple that I don't know has a higher concentration of sugars, I might react after eating a portion size I can usually eat. Others might have the same experience with sugars like fructan, GOS, sorbitol, and mannitol.

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  6. If growing for a produce stand in your yard, would it be more beneficial to have a diverse array of vegetables or to pick a niche? Sweetcorn stand nearby also sells beefsteak tomatoes and cantaloupes and i was trying to decide what would be the best earners.

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