March 25, 2025

VIDEO: How to Easily Grow Your Own Onion Sets at Home

Growing your own onion sets is a great thing if you are someone who uses them. This is because the seed suppliers will sell you onion sets at the price it would cost to buy a whole bag of full sized onions, So you are not getting anywhere with that method, however with making your own onion sets, you now can grow your own onions, at home, organically, for a fraction of the price!

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Easily Grow Your Own Onion Sets at Home

  1. we had a lot of small onions this year.. which we would like to use for sets for next year. Our question.. is there any special way to store these small onions? Or do we just store them in with those that are big enough to use.?

  2. Thanks for this video. I grew my own onion sets from seed last year. And am going to experiment this year. I am in zone 2 and have a short growing period and a challenging part shade garden. I get only morning sun and a couple hours of afternoon sun in just a corner of my yard. I also have only a patio and grow in containers. My green onions and leeks did fabulously but the bulb onions remained very small. So I am going to plant them this year and see what happens. If they go to seed and don't cure properly I will freeze and dehydrate my harvest and collect seed of course. I'm feeling hopeful as I grew an onion last year that had sprouted in my pantry. It did great at first and then the greens died back and I thought it was done. What I was hoping for was to get seeds but it didn't flower. To my surprise in the fall when I dug it up I actually had 2 twin onions. They weren't huge but were quite tasty. I just love surprises like that.

  3. My Gawd where are you buying onion sets? Guernys? Walmart prepackaged? I just bought mine. 1.27 for one large scoop. I didn’t count them but there were certainly more than a hundred. I planted 20 foot row every 3 inches and had a third left over. Any Rural King, farm store, and probably most private garden centers sell them that way.

  4. If purchased onion sets are predominately failures, why are they sold for us to plant? I want to be successful, as we use an onion a day in my cooking sometimes more. Please help

  5. Hey, love your videos. I have a question, if an onion bolts or flowers after planting the set in the ground should I cut it off, let if go and fully go to flower or ? I just want the onion to get as large as it can before I harvest it and don't know if flowering will stunt it's full potential. Let me know. Thank you. Matt

  6. How do we create a base for next year's crop, maybe letting some flower for seeds but I heard that they won't produce a large bulb? I'm confused. I'd like to create a perpetual onion garden.
    Side: note: Onion, garlic and the like, their bulbs don't spread out like with a bulb flower?

  7. Very good , I collected onion seeds from an onion I let flower last year, first time. Sowed half and they are viable little plants so I will follow your method and grow sets, super free.

  8. $15 for 200 onion sets? Were that the case, I would not bother growing onoins. Typically I pay $1.50 /hundred. I am upset because recently it was $1/per.

  9. Way cool! I accidentally did just this! I started more onion seeds than I could get transplanted this year. I have a tray of slumped over onions that eventually got neglected and not watered. Now I will have about 100 onion sets for next year. How awesome.

  10. Thanks for the video. I am interested in doing this so I can plant sets to collect my own seed. I did not want to buy a big bag of sets when I only need a few bulbs. I will try this out this year hoping to get some seed the following year. Zone 5b Ontario Canada

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