Preserving the harvest of beans. Learn how to Can Beans- 00:46 Pickle Beans- 14:39 and Freeze Beans 23:56 Three simple and attainable food preservation techniques to be more self sustainable. Click time start or watch full episode. Give them a try! Thumbs of for preserving your harvest!
Canning Beans- 00:46
Pickling Beans- 14:39
Freezing Beans – 23:56
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great video. Regarding freezing though. Those beans are going to freeze into a giant clump, take longer to defrost, and be more annoying to store. I've taken to 'pre-freezing' them on a large sheet in a single-layer. Once frozen individually, then throw them into the bag. They don't clump unless they thaw/refreeze. They're easier to manage, don't build up frost/ice, thaw quicker, and if say, I just want a handful of beans (or whatever), I can take a handful and return the bag to the freezer without having to break a frozen clump apart with a mallet or defrost the entire bag. This is particularly effective with berries.
Just my observation.
Loved the video! one question……How long will this preserve the food without refrigeration? 3 months? 6 months? 1 yrs?
You make everything seem so easy and effortless. I can't wait to try your easy methods from raised planting to preservation. Thank you Luke.
It really is ok if jars touch the side and each other in the pressure canner. We have a small farm and I have an all american canner. When beans come into harvest I am canning for 2-3 days. If they couldn't touch and I couldn't load up my canner, I'd be in there for a week!
good advice about being careful with canners when removing from heat. when i was 13 i accidentally removed the lid too soon on a canner and got second degree water burns on my entire right side of my chest, arm and half my leg. i had to be wrapped like a mummy. be careful people.
it is important to mention that after canning the jars if the lids make a noise when you apply pressure to them this is not a good sign because there could be air still inside the jars.
I have watered bathed green beans for 50 years as has my grandmother for over 70 years so don't tell anyone they cant preserve beans with a water bath good god man do the research ….
You may want to get a three piece weight for your presto. Then you can put a 10lb weight on there and let it giggle while you go relax in the next room.
A good way to get the air out of the ziplock bags is to submerge all but the top of the bag into water. Let the water pressure on all sides push the air out, then complete the seal.
id love to see videos of sindy canning veggies
Wow! Thanks Luke, SO helpful! I really appreciate this as I have dabbled at the pickling and freezing. But not canning!
A trick I use for blanching. I have a metal colander that fits into my large pot with the handles outside. I leave the beans in my colander and stick the whole thing in the pot of boiling water. when its done I just lift out the colander with the beans and stick it in the ice water. It is just a ton easier especially since pouring out huge pots of boiling beans and water into a colander is very tough with my arthritis.
I want to can so badly, but the pressure canner intimidates me a little
salt without iodine us best. Nice video. God bless America.
Great video, lots of good information!
I found it curious that in Canning part nothing was mentioned about lids making a popping sound as they cool to indicate that they are fully sealed. From what I've heard this is a crucial part of the process to ensure long term food safety. As the jars cool the contents contract and pull the lid down by suction which will eventually cause the lid to make a popping sound. If the jars don't seal properly the contents may go bad causing illness.
Thanks so much! I’ve looking for a decent video on how to preserve my food. Some videos are too long or they just zip right through leaving me clueless. Once again, thanks for putting these videos together. Time for canning!
Excellent videos you have. Would love to see some on vacuum packaging. I find it far superior to zip lock bags. Don't have to blanch most foods.
Hey Luke, I've discovered how great a vacuum sealer works!
pro tip: putting lids in hot water can damage the seals and create a false seal that won't hold. otherwise fun video
thanks Luke!
I bought expensive canner and so could only afford 1 oven mitt.
What a pretty kitchen
Yooooo where is more homesteading 101?
you're not supposed to tilt the jars sideways when you take them out cuz that gets liquid between the seal and the lip of the jar. also, you can go above 10 psi, just not below. so if it goes above 10 psi, then that's ok.
This is good! I never canned in my life and like to learn im 61! B4 I die!
Sterilizing your jars is pointless. The second the open air hits them, they are contaminated again. Besides…a pressure-canner will hit 220 degrees+ and it will sterile everything inside them. Sanitizing them is what you want to do.
Growing up we used a straw to get rid of air. Now I have a machine that will do it for me. (Food saver)
The instapot works well for canning, using the steam to sterilize and to finish
Canning advice along with gardening advice… Even BETTER! Luke explains the best!