March 27, 2025

VIDEO: Tomato Curly Top Virus – Signs, symptoms, and cures | MIgardener

Tomato curly top virus. The name speaks for itself. But what causes it? does it spread? Will my tomato heal? are there any cures? All this and more answered.

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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Tomato Curly Top Virus – Signs, symptoms, and cures | MIgardener

  1. First it affect my only tomatoe then my chilli and next is ny bean.thank you and you discover that it is cause by insects..and i use the same scissor when i cut leaves so it contaminate other they all get curly leaf and stop growing

  2. i rooted a few tomato suckers this year and didn't have anywhere to put them, but i've got this virus on like 5 plants so that worked out about as well as it could i suppose! very relieved to hear its not contagious to other plants in my garden and i'm not going to have to cull them all immediately or spray anything.

  3. Thank you so much for this video, one of my tomatoes seems to have this virus and I was terrified that it would spread to my other tomatoes. Relieved to know that's unlikely!

  4. Good identification, however, you can’t grow it out of carrying the virus from leaving it there. Viruses are spread by hoppers who carry it from plant to plant. I wouldn’t risk any other plants unless you introduce a neem oil schedule.

  5. Hi, is it possible to eat the tomatoes of a plant that has this virus? Two of my plants are infected and have many tomatoes that were already growing but not ripe yet. Will these tomatoes ripen and can I still eat them if they do ripen?

  6. Hey Luke, thanks for your awesome videos. My tomato seedlings are getting really curly and twisted, the branches and leaves. You think is the same virus? Or could it be something else

  7. Luke thanks so much for this video! I've been so confused because I've only seen fungus gnats but I've seen this thrip damage looking stuff on some of my flowers & then on my tomatoes I have curly leaves, & bumps on the leaves & stems (& they smell weird) & everyone is saying fungus gnats don't damage your leaves… but I'm pretty positive this is what I have in my tomatoes! Only problem is- I have it on almost 50% of them!?! I have it on 14 out of 36!!!

  8. All my plants have curly leaves at the top, except for my Mexico Midgets. Not one in ten, but 9 in ten. Could this still be curly leaf virus? I need my tomatoes, and I would hate to have to lose all of them!

  9. I have Psyllid Yellows on my tomatoes from a tomato potatoe Psyllid in NY this year. The outbreak is out of control this year

  10. So if this has happened to all 77 tomatoes in my garden there is nothing I can do? The tops are getting smaller and curling up but the bottoms look great. The tops are also getting brittle and breaking off.

  11. I thought I had curly top, but now I'm skeptical. Every single one of my tomato plants has curling leaves and branches except for the cherry tomatoes. Is there a nutrient deficiency that would have less of an effect on cherry tomatoes but cause all my other tomatoes to curl? The branches themselves are all starting to curl down, but the ends of the branches twist a little and the leaves curl up.

  12. I have one in a container that has this virus and about to pull it out. Can I reuse the soil that's in the container or does it also need to be thrown out? Thanks!

  13. This is great, I had a plant with curly virus last year, and this year I have at least two. Thanks for describing this so accurately, it fit my checklist exactly both years now. I had a few other problem plants too, but those had yellowing, spotting etc… These curly top virus plants look great, the flowers formed into a ball and basically became inactive. In Colorado I think I have just enough time to pop in a few new plants. Thanks again for all the great tips and I'm glad I found your channel.

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