March 13, 2025

VIDEO: 100% Organic Potato Harvest | MIgardener

We harvested our potatoes today. The reason being is that Michigan weather has been so cold and so wet that the potatoes are showing some signs that they may need to be harvested early.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: 100% Organic Potato Harvest | MIgardener

  1. Hey. I'm from London, England. I watch a lot of your videos. I hope your neighbour has stopped making so much noise! I need your advice. I planted 4 types of potatoes (around 30 plants in total). It's spring in the UK. The foliage was about a foot tall until we had a hail storm which lasted about 30 seconds. My potato plants are droopy now. My neighbour also planted potatoes and his are the same. My other plants (sweetcorn, Jerusalem artichoke, sunflowers, kale etc are all ok). Do you think it was the hail stones? It can't be blight as blight wouldn't occur until July or so. Also do you think the potato plants would recover? I can send photos of my allotment where I grow my veg if that helps? Thanks a lot :-)))

  2. I am new to your channel and love watching your videos. I was also wondering if you still sold seeds and where I can order those from if you do. btw Sindy is gorgeous!

  3. The Pontiacs are a determinant potato so you won't get more than 3 or 4 per plant, and are smaller by nature. That ONE was unnatural but probably will still taste ok. The Kennebec is also a determinate but are larger so you have to HILL them from time to time, OR use more sand+peat in the soil so, when they grow larger, the soil will push up instead of the potato (so they won't turn green). The scabbing is due to lack of calcium in your soil, which can vary from one spot to another depending on what you had growing where in your last season. Start saving eggshells… wash them, dry them, put them in an herb or coffee grinder, to turn them into a powder, save the powder in a dry capped jar. Next time you grow potatoes, spread the powder into your row just before you set your chits in the ground. Oh, also, some of those "rotten" ones, may have been your chits/seed potatoes.

  4. Hi Luke and Cindy, I planted potatoes in a big bin last year for the 1st time and they grew really tall. Do I need to trim them from growing to tall? Are they supposed to? Do you just plant and forget? How often do I need to water potatoes? I am wondering if i over watered?

  5. Well Done Luke. Bro I have been watching your channel for a while and that harvest is SWEEEEET. Also congrats to you and Sindy both. Soon to be Mr and Mrs MIgardener. It's FANTASTIC. Keep the awesome vids coming bro and i'll keep watching them. 😀

  6. Nice video ; ) I love to see couples in gardening videos together <3 I need to try potatoes, I'm sure they are much better than store bought…. everything seems better when you grow it yourself ; )

  7. Thanks for sharing your videos! I really love all your farm tour and harvest. All your plants is so healthy that is why you always have a nice and abundant harvest. May i know how big or what is the size of your garden? Thanks

  8. New subscriber here and this year is the first year I'm trying potatoes. I have them in buckets so ai know I'm listed on how much I'll get, but was wondering if I can grow them in a raised bed and if so how deep should the bed be?

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