March 28, 2025

VIDEO: Harvesting Lettuce Seed

This is the process me and my brother use for harvesting lettuce seed, I hope you glean some good info from it.
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18 thoughts on “VIDEO: Harvesting Lettuce Seed

  1. Hello how are you doing today. I just finished doing the same thing with my lettuce. My romaine lettuce I don't know where are I lost track of them. But my question is how do you portion yours up when you selling yours. For instance how do you know you have 500 seeds when you selling?

  2. imho at least from my point of view,these kind of videos are what makes youtube really worth something real,simple,pure and true,love it man,you know we will prevail one day…

  3. Hi James, love the channel! Can you not take long to free quick question I am looking to start my first round of lettuce from seed, what is the best way to irrigate my garden when growing lettuce? I’m not able to physically water every day as I am often away from home.

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