March 20, 2025

VIDEO: 3 Cheap and Simple Ways To Prep Your Garden For Winter & Spring

Cover crops, tarping, adding unfinished compost, or planting perennials, is the best way to ensure your garden will be ready for winter, and then ready for spring! The benefit of cover crops will be that you have no leaching of nutrients, no runoff, and you can be more sustainable, and protect the soil that grow your food.
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: 3 Cheap and Simple Ways To Prep Your Garden For Winter & Spring

  1. If you go to college but come back to film who looks after the plants when your away?
    No leaves on the ground and you're dressed in shorts and tee shirt and its fall?
    And last but not least. I have just watched several of your videos and found them well presented with lots of good commonsense gardening advise.

  2. what happened if you make your own compost  like I been doing all my life by cleaning your yard and pick up leaf branches and even more like coffee egg shell and green that people throw way from kitchen scrap what that be good

  3. I want ask a question that i have asmall piece of land thier we put our cattles dunk or waste and leaves of grass and treas can i grow thier vegitables or this type of land is usefull for winter vegitables

  4. I have a raised bed/above ground garden. It is about 8’ x 8’. I want to extend it to about 8’ x 16’. So, now that winter is soon to come, when or what should I do with the grass that I plan to extend my garden on top of now? I’m debating of whether I want to put cover crop over or put tarp over my current garden. Should I put the new soil/compost, and/or mulch on top of where I plan to extend my garden for next year, or should I wait until spring?

  5. Rains wash out accumulated salts from the soil – a good thing.

    Worried about washing out minerals?
    Mix in 10% by volume of biochar.
    Any biochar is better than no biochar.

    You could cover your garden with a thick layer of leaves like mother nature does…

  6. Great video.
    I have been using compost each fall for my garden prep for many years and even with not much sun I grow abundance of crops. I make compost with kitchen scraps minus citrus, fall leaves and grass clippings thru summer , dump it in fall , winterise, make another compost thru fall winter and spring .. planting starts early fall with mix of fresh compost and soil. love gardening.

  7. I spread rabbit manure on an area that I want to expand my garden next year. I then covered it in cardboard hoping to kill the grass but get the worms to come up to the manure and loosen the soil. I'm hoping to put mixed leaves on top of that. Hopefully that works. I'll have to see if I can get white clover seeds to cover my other gardens.

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