March 10, 2025

VIDEO: How To Prune & Best Time To Prune blueberries and other berry bushes

i will be pruning my bluberry bushes, but I wanted to talk about when
the best time to prune grapes, raspberry bushes, blackberry buses, and
even fruit trees like peaches, apple trees, pear trees, and any other
home orchard tree you can think of!
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30 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Prune & Best Time To Prune blueberries and other berry bushes

  1. You might want to check your sources on the timing.  University of Maine is a good source thru their extension programs.  I've pruned blueberries and fruit trees in the January thru March time period based on their science.

  2. Hey Luke, This video came out right on time because I was just wondering when I should prune my blueberry plants. As I've said before, this is my first year in which I truly got into gardening so I'm learning as I go. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge, it helps more than you know. I hope you & Sindy had a great Halloween & I hope all is well. ~Pete~

  3. Since I am a new berry bush grower, this is very timely and helpful info Luke.  I can see from your video that my berry bushes and grape vine that I just planted are in need of pruning for sure!  I also have several new shoots that I just rooted from the berry bushes that are already going crazy that may need pruning as well.  Do you think I would do it now even tho it is not very cold here?  It may be colder in a month or so (relatively speaking).

  4. I love the leaves on that berry plant, so pretty. I know you can root a mulberry and I am just wondering can you root the other berries too.  I know that sounds naughty if you are an Aussie  LOL. My friend got some raspberries, black berry, mulberries and blueberries and I would like to ask her fo some cuttings and give it a go.

  5. This is just plan wrong. Every fruit differs, blueberries are pruned to insure longevity and fruit production. This is done by keeping a balance of young, adolescent and mature canes. Never prune off tips. Those are were your largest and best producing buds are. prune conflicting branching and any inward branching and thats it. Rule of thumb on mature blueberries is that you remove the oldest cane every year or two. This way you have constant rejuvenation and optimal fruit production. 

  6. My plant is 7 or 8 years old and I've never pruned it. (I'm just now really educating myself on gardening). However, both this and my younger, smaller one have already started flowering. Is it too late to prune? Will it do more harm than good at this point?

  7. Wow, that blueberry plant is beautiful! I suppose our weather here (east coast Australia) doesn’t get cold enough because our blueberry doesn’t go that spectacular colour! Thanks Luke!

  8. What the heck, Fall is the WORST time to Prune, why are you giving people bad advise. Fall is when plants are going dormant, if you CUT them now they will start pumping life back into the branch and NOT go dormant and that new growth will die in the frost. I realize this is a old video but you need to take it down, i have never read or heard anyone else say Prune in fall. summer would be the 2nd worst time. deep winter and spring is the only time to do this. Also when pruning in the Winter you do not need to sterilize your cutters between prunes.

  9. Hi, thank you so much for your videos! I have a question, how do you prune very old bushes? I just bought a farm and the bushes almost look like "trees". They have not been pruned in years. They did produce berries in the summer. I want to make sure I don't kill these plants as I love blueberries! Thank you in advance!

  10. I’m currently in the process of growing boysenberries in my backyard and now I have an idea of what to do with them them when the time comes for me to prune them.

  11. Hi so i bought blueberry bushes last summer, my PH was too high, got little to no blueberries. Fixed the PH, the plants showed no signs of issues, all green leaves, but then i notices some canes were dropping leaves. so i cut them off. I have 10 plants, and only 3 or 4 plants had this symptom. Now i have a ton of new growth but it happened beginning of june. Now there is only about 7 berries off the 10 plants , and a ton of new growth, maybe 30-40% is new growth. Will they also produce berries or is it too late for that? I see no buds or anything. I just learned from your video that fruit only comes on new growth…

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