March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Best spacing of vegetables – Maximize your yields

Get the Square Foot Gardening book here – Today’s video is all about spacing plants and how working with square feet can save you time and maximize your harvests. You will learn the correct spacing for all vegetables for example 9 beets in a square foot and 16 radishes in the same space.
Mel’s video on SFG:

Spacing Chart by:
Chart 1,4,9 and 16:
Concrete Raised bed attribute:

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20 thoughts on “VIDEO: Best spacing of vegetables – Maximize your yields

  1. Great video. I have a problem and I hope you can give me some advice. I have 15 different types of tomatos and I planted them a foot apart ( I know right I am a expert gardener. 🙂 lol) I do not want them to cross polanate what can I do?

  2. Check out Brian Waight and his channel, huw. He does grow with this method. This should help with your experiment. Nice idea for research project.
    We have a set up in our garden that is modified from square foot gardening and French intensive. We do have extreme heat though, so modifications are needed here. Good luck with it. Good video.

  3. Thanks for sharing. I agree. Think this is a great method. I've been thinking of how Square foot gardening can be used for annuals in a permaculture environment of perennials. I hope to put that to the test in the next 2 years. Sepp Holzer has done well with something similar but on a much larger scale than I am planning.

  4. Hello Huw, I've been square foot gardening since 2002, following Mel's System. It's definitely more productive than row planting which I used to do. It is easier to work, as I have 8 raised 4×4 beds on concrete blocks, totaling 128 sq ft of garden. It is also very easy to maintain and keep weed free.
    I produce enough to feed my family of four (me incl) and have surplus for the neighbors.

    I swear by sq. ft. gardening and am also using Vermiculture (Red Wrigglers) for their 'tea' and casting . Then I have my 50 20×10" trays of microgreens that I sell fresh to restaurants and local farmers markets.
    I am in South Africa at the moment but will fire up the gardens again in springtime USA.  

  5. Your video are 5-star,the best. If you had your sister in some more of your video,you would,not might, double your views. More people would tune in more,it would give a get together setting,even if she just helping out a little. It would bring a BIGGER picture to the video. There many groups, young,old,age groups,that want to learn more about better growing plants. Its a new year,some,many people are not is smart as you,conecting and marketing with people in,2015 would make you a star,try it out.

  6. I used SFG for 8 years. It was "okay". The biggest problems I had were that things seem to overgrow really fast. Zucchini would takeover 9 squares, instead of the one it was supposed to be. It was really hard to work in the garden because it was way too crowded. Too smooshed together. Plants need more air and light between them.

  7. Thanks so much for the so valuable information/charts regarding the amount of crops per square feet, never seen. before in another video. That made a huge difference. From Houston, texas. Take care.

  8. Would love to see an updated video on this. I’m planning to start doing this method next year (new to growing my own). Your channel has given me so many great information!

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