March 7, 2025

VIDEO: Profitable Urban Farming with Curtis Stone (workshop Intro)

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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own backyard or someone else’s.
Everything in one place:
Paper Pot Transplanter:
Caterpillar tunnel:
Quick Cut Greens Harvester:
Knife and Tool Sharpener:
Jang Seeder:
Row Bags:
Insect Netting:
The Coolbot | $20 off!:

Theme music composed by Curtis Stone and performed by Dylan Ranney.

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Profitable Urban Farming with Curtis Stone (workshop Intro)

  1. How do your neighbors feel about your project and does you city bylaws allow this? I am asking because I plan on doing something similar here in Alberta but on an acreage and I'm not sure where to start. Very insightful thank you for making this video

  2. With your high rotation fields you mentioned that you turn over the crops multiple times, but I thought that once you harvested lettuce or spinach that it will grow back. So why bother turning those crops over and replanting with more lettuce and spinach if it is going to put out more leaves? I can understand turning it over with crops such as beets or radish.

  3. I own 2 acres of land in South East Asia , it used for growing cassava and corns. now that i am busy with my work and don't have time to manage it, it is uncertain for me to sort of estimating the effort to turn the land productive again. Watching your video really inspires me and would like to know how to get the land back to productive condition, as it has been left unproductive for a while, and how much time and money should be invested to get the business to the level you are now.

  4. Great vid, thank you! A question if you don't mind: Which of your crops do you direct sow and which do you you start off indoors and transplant out? Oh and do you just harvest leafy greens with scissors or is there a mechanical method? I grow lettuce and herbs out the back of my kitchen ( West coast Scotland..o/) and it's quite time consuming… Thanks much, very impressed!

  5. Hi Curtis!
    I have a backyard and front yard with total land of ~5000sq.feet (0.115 acres). From my calculation I can have 40 25feet x 30inch beds. I live in zone 7 (Harrisburg, PA).
    can you tell me how much can I (or you with this size of land) possibly gross? I mean just a range…
    Thank you!

  6. Ive always been interested in this stuff and have always grown for myself but how is farming like this better for the environment… doesn't micro farming use way more resources than a large industrial farm? It seems like a larger commercial farm would produce more crop and be more efficient/economical per square foot??

  7. 1)how much you make a year on all of the land do you have how much you make a year if can answer.
    2) I am from Florida south Florida and I would like to make my own your urban farm what do you recommend me to Start my agriculture zone is 10 I would like to see an answer thank you I like your farm good luck

  8. Hi I am from South Africa and have a half acre plot I have recently removed all my grass and have started planting . My water bill has sky rocketed. I see in some of your videos you use what looks like a plastic cover. Do you drip irrigate ? and do you suggest a white or Black cover to keep moisture in.

  9. I love watching your videos. They've really inspired me to start something for myself. Are there any Permits or Licenses you need to be able to sell your Produce at a local Farmers Market?

  10. I like the idea of growing field microgreens and leaving the roots and stems in the bed after harvest as organic matter to increase fertility of the soil. I am going to try this on a little side area on my parents avocado farm in southern California.

  11. I am very glad to see that micro-greens are trending down. They do not have much good nutrition. No fiber, no minerals, few B vitamins, few anti-oxidants, etc. Hopefully more customers are buying the high nutrition crops: collards, kale, turnips, okra, etc.

  12. Curtis, when can tarps be purchased? What would you grow in the Texas Gulf, (Houston) Area? We get an occasional frost and a rare freeze. I am retired and would like to use church members to make a little money for the church. Your book, The Urban Gardner, is great. Thanks for and support! Padre

  13. Saw you on another channel. Your name kept popping up, so had to check it out. You and Brad Landcaster should be placed in charge of AG in our schools esp. focusing on urban culture. Great work! Very inspiring.

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