March 21, 2025

VIDEO: Black Soldier Fly Production Part 4 Pod Management

Transform food waste into a valuable food supply for chickens, hogs, songbirds and fish with Black Soldier Fly Production. Karl Warkomski, Director of Conservation with ProtaCulture, LLC introduces us to this astounding insect that can break down food waste faster than microbes. Black Soldier Fly maggots make a high fat, high protein source of nourishment while making what is normally waste into a valuable farm/garden asset.

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Black Soldier Fly Production Part 4 Pod Management

  1. Once again I would like to point out for the importance of one work with EM-4 that are anaerobic yeast and bacteria that will address the bad odor. SO easy to do it yet so neglected.

  2. Hello, thanks for the video. I am surprised because I always read that BSF tend to colonize the substrate AFTER the house fly, as they are even more resistant to advanced decay (and feeding on bacteria such as E.coli and Salmonella, which allow them to survive and develop in very "hostile" medium"). For instance, forensic science finds that BSF larvae are found from week 5 or 6 if I can remember right, while other flies will be laying in the first day and then decrease… I think you are even saying in part 3 that you usually find houseflies the first weeks in your bin, right ?Thanks for the clarification !

  3. Karl Warkomski – Black Soldier Fly Wormskis. This is awesome. Getting ready to see how much pods cost / build one. I just put out some corrugated cardboard banded together in a box over some dog food / water mix. Can't wait to check it for eggs. My wife's already raising these things. Just need to get / make a bin so they crawl out for the chickens to eat. I think we were trying to feed the chickens the pupae – and they didn't care for 'em. Or maybe they like to hunt based on movement – like the T Rex, according to the movie, or like fish and mosquito larvae.

  4. Landed on this by mistake, … and ended up watching the whole video. Absolutely fascinating – I would never have thought that fly larvae could be so interesting! Great video.

  5. Anaerobic not always produce foul smell. Remember that alcohol beverage fermentation is anaerobic. It depends on the bacteria if you use probiotic, it doesn't produce foul smell. Read about EM Bokashi by Prof. Teruo Higa

  6. Hello. Love the information you are providing about the BSF. My question is regarding a local pest we have in the Adelaide Hills in South Australia called European wasps. Do you ever have them affect the BSF in a detrimental manner? Would wasp baits kill the BSF? Thanks

  7. Can you have compost worms and soldier fly in the same bin?
    I have an Aerobin 200 composter bin and inadvertently attracted BSF, which is great, but you said their finished product is not compost. I love how they break down larger foods quickly which seems like it would be a good partner with worms.

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