Here in the Ozarks ( N.W. Arkansas ) we had a REALLY Bad ice storm a few yrs ago thank God that doesn't happen to often but when it does it is an adventure for sure! It can be beautiful in ways but really damaging =/ … Your home is so pretty <3 would love to see more =) we have a old stone wall by our home that my relatives built a 100 yrs ago …. can't wait to bring it back to its beauty
Ice storms are terrible expecially when they bring down trees. I'm in the Appalachian area of KY and we got about a foot of snow here and more to come tonight. Being raised in the Chicago area a foot of snow isn't much but living in the foothills of the Appalachia is a whole other story. We are in a state of emergency and it's not looking like we will be leaving this hollar anytime soon!
i am in kentucky , 2.5 hours from nashville tn and it is bad i have missed a week of work . snowed ice and it is the 20th of fed right now and we are to get 3/4 to 2 in of ice tonight , it is bad we are not prepared for this either , my horses are fat and in the barn so they are fine . most of the animals i think that have a lot of warm shelter , high quaility feed and in good condition will be ok , last night got -25 . plus wind chill . i hope these temps not delay my garden growing some stuff with heat lamp . come on spring take care GOd bless
hi im from eastern ky. I just subscribed to your channel. we got a lot of snow here 16 inches of it and there giving 8 more inches tonite. at least I can sittin back and watch your videos and eat snow cream and praying for spring. great videos by the way
Here in the Ozarks ( N.W. Arkansas ) we had a REALLY Bad ice storm a few yrs ago thank God that doesn't happen to often but when it does it is an adventure for sure! It can be beautiful in ways but really damaging =/ … Your home is so pretty <3 would love to see more =) we have a old stone wall by our home that my relatives built a 100 yrs ago …. can't wait to bring it back to its beauty
Hello: Its 25 degrees and 5 inches of fresh snow in SW Va. I am happier here than NYC any day.
I live very close to the Columbia River Gorge, I've seen many ice storms and silver thaws. God bless, enjoy the experience. Beautiful homestead BTW.
Ice storms are terrible expecially when they bring down trees. I'm in the Appalachian area of KY and we got about a foot of snow here and more to come tonight. Being raised in the Chicago area a foot of snow isn't much but living in the foothills of the Appalachia is a whole other story. We are in a state of emergency and it's not looking like we will be leaving this hollar anytime soon!
Keep Warm! Just bitter cold up here in Ohio. No ice storms thankfully. Not fun.
Go Vols!
i am in kentucky , 2.5 hours from nashville tn and it is bad i have missed a week of work . snowed ice and it is the 20th of fed right now and we are to get 3/4 to 2 in of ice tonight , it is bad we are not prepared for this either , my horses are fat and in the barn so they are fine . most of the animals i think that have a lot of warm shelter , high quaility feed and in good condition will be ok , last night got -25 . plus wind chill . i hope these temps not delay my garden growing some stuff with heat lamp . come on spring take care GOd bless
hi im from eastern ky. I just subscribed to your channel. we got a lot of snow here 16 inches of it and there giving 8 more inches tonite. at least I can sittin back and watch your videos and eat snow cream and praying for spring. great videos by the way
that's not much if you lived in Wisconsin
Please be so careful.