March 23, 2025

VIDEO: MIgardener Is Juicing! A Delicious Simple Green Juice

Today we are jucing on the MIgardener channel! We are making a green
juice worth trying. Super simple, delicious, and nutritious. Pineapple,
orange, and greens!
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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: MIgardener Is Juicing! A Delicious Simple Green Juice

  1. Such good information. Had cancer in 2012. ugh, hate it. They say I-75 is the cancer corridor here in Michigan…All the manufacturing and farming chemicals in the ground, water and air…Grow organic, eat organic and promote heirloom varietals.

  2. This looks delicious! I definitely need to get into this more and that juice party is seriously a good idea. I hardly drink alcohol so this would be a fun get together! 🙂 

  3. Do a beet & carrot juice for a sweet pretty red juice- easier for the less experienced folks. It's good with a little ginger & lemon in there. Apples celery & leafy greens is a good combo too, with or without lemon.

  4. Great video Luke. Nicely done. John got me into gardening because it was getting expensive purchasing all that produce from the store. I use the OMEGA VERT 350 model for juicing. And, for blending up smoothies I use the MagicBullet. Great tools for using up that garden produce before it goes bad and spoils…. You should do some more "MIShort" clips to show us more of your favorite juicing recipes.. Thanks again for this upload

  5. We have the same juicer and we have been bagging up the pulp and freezing it for our compost in the spring. Am I wasting my time or is this a good idea??
    (Our neighbor didn't like our compost, even though it met all the city's standards, the city said we had to move or remove it. I told our neighbor to put up a fence… and the city. I lost that battle. So, we are building a new, "beautiful" one this Spring – hence why I am saving my pulp)

  6. I love my breville Juicer.  I would not add too much citrus to your compost pile though since worms don't like it.  If you like to juice, watch "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" on Netflix.

  7. This looks sooo yummy!  I want to go make myself one right now!  I also like including sweet fruits like apples and oranges (like you do) to mask and sweeten the green taste.  So refreshing and clean tasting!  I crave my juices and smoothies! 

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