Allotment Grow How – How to chit Potatoes, How to sow broad beans and onions.
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put your beans in loo roll tubes saves you time when you plant them out
Also brought my sapro mira from jba so will be interesting watching how they grow.
Look forward to see how this does for you. This year I am trying onions and potatoes from seed. I still will use tubers too. But really want to experiment with things not commercially grow. Best wishes to you. E
I am growing the same beans as you, I have sown them in pots gives me a head start
So exciting to start seeds off, look forward to you getting to the allotment and seeing the plot again – thanks for the video
I grow my onions from seed, because I like varieties that aren't available as sets. Probably would grow from seeds anyway. I just sprinkle a seed line in the garden and cover with vermiculite and water in. Use thinnings as bits on potatoes, eggs or in salads. Sometimes I sprinkle them in a seed tray in the greenhouse, but a pain to transplant into garden. Maybe if you had a cloche or cold frame to grow the seeds in. Super easy.
Bought some all purple potatoes to grow as well as my burbanks, whites and golds, as they are yummy.
I have broad beans in the garden from fall planting that are in flower and setting pods. I just use them as green manure-compost fodder. I'll save any seed for next year.
Good video. Happy planting
You can't go wrong with Sapo Mira ,Broad Beans ,or the onions . I look forward to watching your progress . Best wishes
Lets hear it for peer pressure chiting
I loved your choice of background music on this one. I realise you only reached a 3 on the excitement scale but grooving on to Green Onions I was off the scale mate. Great video as always, you are off and running now. here's to a great season. All the best.
Nice to see you finally off and running this year. I bought my potatoes on 10th January mainly because it was the first time I saw Sarpos on sale in my garden centre for some time, and as it seems that almost everyone is growing them this year I thought they would quickly sell out and I would'nt be able to get them later on in the year. Since then they have been chiting in my cool garage and I personaly think they are doing rather well. I also felt a little pressured with my potatoes but now I feel good knowing that I have my Sarpos and hopefully some fantastic potatoes come harvest time. Good luck for this year and look forward to your next video. All the best.
Wonderful video ! many thanks for this moment….have a nice day
I`ve grown Bunyards Exhibition for the past 60 years always had a good crop Mine grow to about 4 feet tall then I pinch out tops to stop black fly use the tops as greens.
Looking good,I can't wait to start my garden this year.
Well, I for one am glad you felt a little peer pressure – enjoyed the video today – Ruthie
I'm sure the music that was playing while you planted them (!?!?!) will encourage lots of extra growth. Gotta love Booker T and the MG's. I still have the original (1962) LP which I brought to Canada some 40 years ago.