December 22, 2024

VIDEO: 5 Considerations whilst Planning a Small-space Vegetable Garden

When planning or evaluating a small-space vegetable garden you should make some important notes/considerations to make sure it works for what purposes it is for. I hope this will help you out and the next video in the playlist will be looking at the most productive fruit and vegetables to grow in small spaces.

High-value crops:

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16 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Considerations whilst Planning a Small-space Vegetable Garden

  1. Great video!!! You're full of knowledge! I found it so easy to grow a food garden back in Italy as anything you plant grow amazingly, here in England I find it a bit hard for the lack of sunshine :/ But I'm trying to put my effort, I have the seeds for various greens, herbs and veggies, I've bought some berries plants, just need to put in practice now 🙂

  2. thanks Huw. You have inspired me to challenge myself to a 'no spend, all we need' vegetable growing yr. l have a very small  vegetable garden & wondered if it was possible to just grow only the veg & fruit  we eat in a yr.So lv worked out how much of each  l buy in a yr for the 2 of us & found it is indeed possible in the space l have. l will grow only enough of each for our needs for l full yr so saving wasting space. l intend to grow vertical+containers+sqft. l already have lots of permanent fruit plants plus all the seeds l need as  last year ones are still viable So with your video tips l will be making my own  diy fertilizer,compost ,containers etc etc.If it works ,my maths says l will be saving approx £1,000 ( could be lot more if organic prices) a year for 2 of us in veg & fruit.. I'm disabled so if l can do it so can anyone else.. wish me luck 🙂

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