March 29, 2025

VIDEO: Black Soldier Fly Production Part 5 Feedstocks

Transform food waste into a valuable food supply for chickens, hogs, songbirds and fish with Black Soldier Fly Production. Karl Warkomski, Director of Conservation with ProtaCulture, LLC introduces us to this astounding insect that can break down food waste faster than microbes. Black Soldier Fly maggots make a high fat, high protein source of nourishment while making what is normally waste into a valuable farm/garden asset.

30 thoughts on “VIDEO: Black Soldier Fly Production Part 5 Feedstocks

  1. The waste from the bins can be fermented for chitinase production and used as a natural pesticide or fed into a methane digester to produce methane from the chitin cast offs.

  2. Hi I'm living in south France in a région where we have a lot of duck waste, skin, fat… everyting left after the duck is prosess. do you think if it done industriel you cold feed those?

  3. Sunlight was mentioned as a way to pasteurize the grubs. If farming was done large scale, would freeze-drying and vacuum packaging provide any additional benefit? Also, what would a standard shelf life for sundried grubs be?

  4. Wait. You ONLY feed Red Worms 1-week-soaked cardboard/paper and grit (sand)?! I thought they require other foods like banana peels and calcium carbonate, like pulverized egg shells or calcium carbonate powder. Have you had Red Worms for over a year with just cardboard and sand?

  5. Can they eat unused coffee grounds or only used coffee grounds?
    I'm working on making a list of foods.

    They eat high value and soft foods and cooked foods FIRST.
    +Coffee Grounds
    +Chicken feed
    +Cat food kibble
    +Dead animals (such as armadillo, gator, but not their bones or scales)
    +Banana peels
    +Fish (cooked or raw, prefer cooked)
    +Vegetables (not celery or parsley) +Tomatoes
    +They will eat Onions.
    +Romaine lettuce
    +Pig manure, cow manure, human manure (beware of getting e. coli, salmonella and diseases, not recommended beyond compost toilets) but you will have a lot of waste.
    +stale oatmeal
    +stale chips
    ?Calcium Carbonate?
    ?Squash ?
    They will NOT eat:
    -Fruit rinds
    -high lignin/fiber
    -Alligator scales.

  6. Cats can carry Toxoplasmosis. Not a good manure to handle.
    Why will you use food scraps to get BSF when you can feed chickens and pigs directly ? It sounds like a waste of time and resources.
    The point of the BSF is to use the manure. There are videos in youtube showing BSF fed with pigs and chickens manure. Then using the Larvae as animal food.

  7. The reason they don’t crawl off when it’s dry is because they can’t get any grip. Put some in a dry jar and they can’t crawl up the side but add water and they can stick to the side and climb right up.

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