March 26, 2025

VIDEO: What to Look for When Inspecting Native Bee Hives After Splitting

This video shows how to inspect native stingless bee hives to see how they are doing after splitting several months earlier.

Our first video on Splitting a Native bee hive can be seen here:

How to buy

Please watch: “5 Fruit Tree & Veggie Patch Questions”

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: What to Look for When Inspecting Native Bee Hives After Splitting

  1. Hi Mark
    Thanks for the update on the bees. I have recommended your native bee clips to others as very informative. 
    I was wondering if it would be possible to get some of the beeswax and propolis as I want to do a project with my boys at Boys Brigade. I travel to Brighton once a fortnight on a Wednesday.
    Thanks again

  2. Hi

    Im from Sydney and Im looking to purchase a setup but unsure which one to get (Carbonaria, Australis or Hockinsi species,)

    can you tell me the different between species?


  3. I heard October mentioned in the video. Is that the prefered time to split an Australian stingless native behive in south east Queensland (Brisbane) ?

  4. G'day Mark & Kevin, question about the brood. After splitting, how do the bees rebuild the brood ? As in, do they just rebuild the cut half with semi circle shaped spirals ? Or do they make new full spirals in the empty section of box ? Cheers.

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