Bare root trees can be cost effective, but many gardeners do not know
how to plant them. Also, many plant the tree completely wrong. There is
really nothing complicated to plant them, and this quick tutorial will
help you to plant trees with ease! Enjoy! Remember to rate, comment,
and subcribe!
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You destroyed all the roots. that is big mistake if you dig a hole and you see water in it that place is not good for plant a new tree. really want to see what happens to that tree
Think you could 100% organic raised bed mix?
:30 fruit cheese hahahahaha nice video though!
Waste. That paper mulch would be the first thing diving into that hole. Then the cardboard would land in the compost pile.
Clay soil sucks! Your wasting your time (and money) trying to plant fruit trees into clay soil.
How far apart do you plant the trees? I want to plant some trees also but a variety of like cherry, apple, pear, etc. Can this work or not? Thanks.
It would be much better to soak the tree in a bucket of water while digging a shallow hole and making a raised bed to plant above the hard clay and that standing water
What would you recommend adding to the soil when planting a bare root fruit tree. Ex. Worm casting, a little peat moss, small amount of compost. I have 4 apple tree coming in the spring and nervous. I want trees to get a good start in life.
Brasil !!!
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Here in 2020, just ordered 4 barefoot trees!
What about those fresh white nikes.?!? Oh and im about to plant a few local varieties of apple trees, cant wait lol
In one of your other videos you said never back fill with anything but the soil that you took out of the hole because you'll be creating a soft pocket that the roots will want to stay in and not spread. Which is right?
What about using tree fertilizer when you're first planting a fruit tree?
0:29 ah yes success my fruit cheese
Mate can you give me some advice on watering bare root trees?. Do I have to water regularly in winter or do I have to start watering when spring starts?? Thanks
0:30 hot Irish dog has found fruit cheese give him some love
Excellent informative video!
I wish like a mf i hade the kind of soil you have haha. I had to make raises beds put of 55 gallon plastic barrels because i only have 10 inches of top soil the straight clay.
Thanks for the video. I have a few questions though. I have a garden plot at a community garden. How do I plant and trellis bare root grapes in a garden plot while keeping in consideration the plots next to mine? I dont want to create a shade over the other person's plot. Any suggestions of where the grapevine should be planted in the plot?
So much bad and incomplete info…hopefully in six years your have learned better advice.
Can we see the tree now?
Should you soak the roots of the tree?
Great video . Who do you order from I have never seen trees with no soil around them. I run into allot of root bound fruit trees .
Thank you Luke! Good job!
I'm having difficulty finding any dwarf fruit trees locally. Is mail order the way to go? I found some online, but they are halfway across the country. I'm in Michigan, a major fruit producer, surprised I can't find anything local.
Hi Luke. How long should it take before I see some life from the bare root dwarf Italian plum tree I planted a couple of weeks ago. I live in New Jersey near Philadelphia. Thanks.
I planted this morning, same size as that but worried because it doesn’t have any root. Bought it online.
What happens if you did bury the grafted union??? I planted 5 already before knowing that.