March 22, 2025

VIDEO: Need help identifying a problem – sun scald identified

So this problem has been identified as sun scald. I rather thought it was but as I had never seen a case this bad and the plant still living I wanted corroboration. I am leaving the video up for others who may be searching for this. The plants will survive. New growth is now coming out.

9 thoughts on “VIDEO: Need help identifying a problem – sun scald identified

  1. I told you 'magnetoculture" ?
    Heal and boost production , flavor etc of plants (completely natural and cheap DIY).

    On YT but in french, search yannick VD (was agronom engeneer),
    but simple to do, you could understand without speaking french,

    see also yannick van doorne on google (several website, one in english).
    He's nice guy, you could email him maybe.

    Maybe too much water,
    search 'eau vibrée" (and ggolgle transltare sure)
    do like that for drinking water for you, and your plant (I can explain you if you like, simple an cheap too, very efficient, best flavor, depolluate body etc
    short excellent).

    Have a good spring anyway.

  2. i did scald some of my plants last year it looked like that.
    take a photo of the leaves that look like insect damage and compare them to the plant every few hours. if it's insects it will spread if it's sun scald i think it will stay the same.

  3. I've gardened for 7 years and only this year have I noticed what you have here. The leaves on my eggplant, artichokes and nasturtiums have all done this after a clear sunny day. There are also small yellow dots on the artichokes and the nasturtiums. I've sprayed for mites just in case, but have not seen any. New growth comes out fine and then it begins again. I suspect it is something about the sun, and something in the air. There are days when a fine mist will appear on the windows facing south. These would catch the prevailing breezes. Do you have many chemtrails where you are? A neighborhood friend a block and a half from me has the same spots and dead foliage.

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