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so glad that mom and maybelle are ok! so precious! and what a great first experience for you and your family!
Adorable! So worth all the anxious waiting. Congratulations x
Awesome thanks for sharing.
So darn cute … I forgot what breed is Bella?
Congratulations! I believe I would rather be one of your animals than a child of most people! You take great care of all your animals. Looking forward to regular updates on Maybelle's progress. Let mom know that she is doing a great job. Thanks
Glad to hear that all went well and Mom and Baby are doing fine.
Raising animals and watching them grow a happy healthy life. That's what it's all about. Cheers from Ontario!!
Congratulations on the baby heifer! They are soooo cute at this age! Look forward to your updates.
Congrats Patera! Beautiful lil baby!!!!
Congrats! What a pretty girl.
soooo cute!!!!
So great! TY
Finally!!! Lol, she's gorgeous and funny seeing her trying to momma's hay
Congratulations, many blessings!
Awwww. Thanks for taking us through the journey! How awesome to see!
Such an exciting time for you all! Welcome to the world Miss Maybelle! Great name BTW.
That black hefier will carry the milking production from her momma is that hefier out of a black Angus bull or limousine or gelvieh that hefier has a dairy head fine hefier .
so cool finaly
congratulations, but I don't know if I call you mama or grandma?! just kidding. thank God for our blessings. thank you for sharing.
I love watching your videos !! Thanks for sharing these inspiring videos! Congrats on your beautiful Calf.
I enjoy your videos. thank you for sharing. VFL!!
so enjoy watching all your animals they are all very adorable ! Thank you for sharing !! Have a great day !
New life is so precious.
I am always amazed and in awe of the way animals know exactly what to do to bring a new life into the world. Nobody taught your cow how to give birth and yet there she is, cleaning her baby up. That calf stood on its own and knew how & where to suckle, no ante-natal classes in sight! It's God's miracle right under our noses.
That Is Adorable!!!!!!!
Awwwwww……congratulations, Mama!! I know you are so proud of Miss Belle <3
thank is cute
Did you keep her
Congratulations & Merry Christmas to you & yours!