June 27, 2024

6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Dog Rose Surprise

  1. wild rose is the state flower here.  they grow in roadside ditches readily.   The flowers are a pale pink.  They dont get very tall because the county mows the ditch tops for snow drifting purposes and local farmers bale the ditch bottoms for hay feed or bedding.

  2. It's great when that sort of thing just happens, provided they are not allowed to take over I like blackberries in fact we have planted a thornless one in out fruit garden which looks like it is going to produce very well this year judging by the amount of flowers

  3. It is amazing how things show up.So happy for you to get the one you wanted. I have a white one that showed up. And blackberry's. They have the same flower. Other than center is yellow on the rose. Big bush too. You will have a beautiful entrance.

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