March 22, 2025

13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Planting Broccoli

  1. Great job on the opening.  If you're really worried about those onions you can take those greens down to about 10 inches or so and let the plant sort itself out.  I was going to…I should have…  Right now about half of them either bolted or split and the greens are well over 24 inches long.  Next time I grow my own seed over winter and plant-out seedlings in the early spring.  Again…a top job vid.

  2. Run Rabbit run is appropriate. Lettuce doesn't look too bad. I put out my broccoli today too. I didn't cover it . Beautiful Lupins. Beetroot will be up in no time. Maybe the wind blew over the Onions.

  3. Great update! Watch Sun/Mon temps as they're plummeting to 1* overnight here in Fylde. Winds coming back over weekend too. I'd check your local weather just in case, mine hasn't been wrong yet! Our rabbits just returned after all being washed out 5 yrs ago when it was a v wet season.

  4. Hi, If you want good onions, I'd feed them… put compost around their roots, water with a general phosphate, I did this and mine are growing fat. Next year, plant your onion sets, and keep feeding with compost and phosphate watering.  cheers

  5. All through the first bit I expected Kenneth Williams to exclaim "Stop messing about!" 🙂  I think your lupin is simply stunning although look out for the lily spray that I have on the way.  it might tempt you.  I am afraid you might have allium leaf minor.  It burrows into the leaf and it crinkles as it loses its structural integrity.  It could be something else but I have seen something like it before and that is what it was.  Great video Adam, as always.  All the best mate.

  6. Hey Buddy. Your lettuce looked mighty fine. Congrats. Nice work in all that wind. Lupines look gorgeous as well as your peas. Onions…maybe you planted them too deep? Not a specialist in that field for sure. Anyway, enjoyed your vid and that intro with the money. Never heard that song before. Loved it.

  7. My onions are the same as yours Adam. For the 3rd year on the trot too. Probably why I'm not growing many and have grown a lot more shalots from seed this year. Some say it's the leaf miner, others say it's the moth, I say that pain in the back side. Did you forget to water in the Calabrese??? All the best. Chris

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