The Food Forest is looking lush and the production is starting to come on. Feel free to ask any questions, and please give your advice or opinions.
VIDEO: Suburban Food Forest
The Food Forest is looking lush and the production is starting to come on. Feel free to ask any questions, and please give your advice or opinions.
James, it is so nice to see how your 'food forest' has matured through the last few years. Keep us posted. Great job, well done.
I love the explanation on the apricot tree, beautiful….Praise the Lord.
keep rockin k love : )
Wow fantastic garden. Your garden looks like a monster garden compared to mine. I hope to get results like yours in a couple of years. I am following Back To Eden technique also but it's my first year and I have totally sandy soil. Thank you for sharing and keep doing these videos as they inspire the gardner in all of us.
What is this "null" I see commented on people's videos? Everything looks great!!
I love how everything in your garden is working together. God's design is so perfect when we just get out of the way. I also loved hearing the song "How Great Thou Art"
The video is amazing but the audio is really poor, it was hard to hear you.
Your garden is super inspiring. Love the diversity and randomness. I wonder how much time you spend weeding.
Great job
Hi James, thank you for sharing your inspiring garden. I was wondering what the name of this flower is: colangelo? That is kind of what it sounds like you are saying, I heard you say it on other videos also. But, I cannot find it, so I am sure I am spelling it wrong