I decided to try a new method for planting potted fruit trees, I think it will work well so I decided to share it. This is NOT a “How to plant fruit trees” video, because I have never tested this method yet.
VIDEO: Planting Fruit Trees, Healing Root Bound Trees
I decided to try a new method for planting potted fruit trees, I think it will work well so I decided to share it. This is NOT a “How to plant fruit trees” video, because I have never tested this method yet.
5 bucks! nice score!
Wow! Americans get great sale prices. Won't find a $5 tree in Canada!
smart method
What a deal. Awesome!
Thank you so much for recording and sharing this man. Many of my fruit trees have struggled and some have gone backwards. I have wanted to do something very similar with some citrus, but at $25 a piece it's not something I want tondo if it will kill the tree. I think they may get worse but will bounce back quick – a much better alternative to seeing a plant struggle for years. Given the time of the year there I probably would have gone heavier with the pruning, but that's just personal I guess. I've pulled dead fruit trees that have been in the ground for 2 years and could have popped the root ball straight back into the original pot. Please update again as the trees progress for better or worse. Really interested to see how it goes as I also think it is a sound approach to take (particularly for the more root bound plants). Thanks James & bro
Couldn't resist, sounds just like me.
You guys are awesome.
I believe that will work awesome…imsurecthats what I will do too… thanks
we bought our place and it has two peach trees. They haven't done anything in two yrs. Small growth and one small fruit. I'm thinking it's root bound. They're about 6ft. After watching this I'm so motivated to pull them up and do this. I'm at a complete loss, we've done everything else. Thanks for this video
Whoh, more than 2 inches of mulch smothers tree's primary root ball! Also sweep accumulated soil & mulch surrounding trees root flare each year. Enjoy! PS: If a tree dies, excavate & observe its root system to diagnose any Stem Girdling root (SGR) problems.
Planted too low.
Sepp Holzer calls this the "shock" method of planting trees. He will remove all the leaves to allow the plant to focus it's resources on the roots.
I am curious as to how these trees are doing. It has been a while and you probably have a good idea by now how this "extreme" method worked. Unfortunately I live in subtropic and fruit trees don't come barerooted. I am getting ready to make big investment in many trees to plant. I get sick to my stomach thinking about all the fertilizers the growers use to juice up the trees. So doing this type of method is something I am seriously considering. An update video on this would be sweet. Thanks again for all the great content. Be blessed my friend.
Grow them in Rootmaker pots. Kaboom, massive healthy growth.
Good video man
Please help me! I have a peach tree that still doesn’t have any leaves and it’s about a week into spring. I live in Southern California so it doesn’t get that cold but it has been a little gloomy/rainy. Anyway I do the scratch test and it’s green but I just don’t know if it’s still dormant or what
I haven't seen someone shake the roots clean like that, but when I get a potted tree I see those fertilizer balls and I figure I don't want those around my tree, so I see your method as being effective. And btw $5 for good size dwarf fruit trees?!! Sign me up
great video makes sense and better than most crap on youtube
Curious how have these trees done since this video was made? Did any do well and thrive??
Jenn Stone
Seven Sprouts Farmstead
Oh boy! I just planted an apple tree. I did not disturb the roots. I mostly likely should have shook the dirt off the roots. Should I dig it up and do that? I would hate to lose it.
Way cool, especially early structural pruning continuing from nursery. And by returning potbound stock back to bare root planting. Allowing one to stretch all roots radially outbound similar to guy wires holding up a radio stations tower antenna.
As most every Potted, Balled & Burlapped and fabric grown tree arrives from nursery with its "trunk already too deep in rootball" .
spraying the roots with a hose will get all that soil off ….. no shaking..:)
Really enjoy your vids James. GOD bless you!
Prigioni brothers and Tuck

that's like a 20 degree angle lol.
also I've destabilized a trees roots before trying to train it before it was established, though it was in a pot… but still.
James frascioni how's it going brother haven't seen you in months I know this is no video but I'm excited for this grow season
How are the trees doing in 2021?
Hi James how's the tree now. Did the tree survive? I am curious because we plant this way and tree looks like very stress and hopefully they will survive especially this heat. Thank you for sharing your video.
Nice video!