March 13, 2025

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: When to Harvest Potatoes – Simplest Method!

  1. First-timer here. I planted mine in late March, did everything as recommended and, apart from a couple of plants that have turned yellow and are falling over, they have grown into good-sized plants. There is no sign of any flowers, though – just tallish green plants. I guess I should leave them longer.

  2. I have a question for you: my potato plants never did blossom and the plants are still gorgeous. They’ve been in the sacks for about three months now and I’m wondering what the heck to do…? Please advise – love your program and videos!

  3. No.
    Do NOT wash the dirt off until you're ready to eat them.
    They will last much longer in storage when dirty.
    Everybody knows this.

  4. A few quick questions?After harvesting potatoes from any given plant,is the plant "destroyed and discarded" or do U replant it immediately and its able 2 continue to produce potatoes?Secondly I have seen people adding old car tyres to the base of the plant and filling this with soil which seems to cause the plant to grow higher(additional tyres r added over time;creating a tyre tower)Why is this done and does it create a higher yield?

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