March 26, 2025

8 thoughts on “VIDEO: Allotment Grow How – Picking Broadbeans

  1. You have me absolutely wracking my memory for that music.  I am guessing an early 80s BBC drama series, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it is.  Whatever it is it is beautiful and a great choice.  Great haul.  I think we are all having to live with the weeds this year.  Well done mate.  All the best.

  2. I don't know what is wrong with your potatoes but if it was blight then they would be wiped out and turned to Zombie spuds.  We have had blight conditions but I don't think you have the killer strain of the disease.  At most you might have early blight which affects the foliage but doesn't affect the tubers.  Maybe spray with some bordeaux mix to be on the safe side?

  3. Hey Pal…yes, that was blight.  Sorry about that one.  Again a great vid.  Two weeks of rain?  I hate you.  More like 1/16 inch here for that same time.  All the brassicas have gone into hot weather hibernation.  Keep the faith…enjoy those peas & beans…

  4. I found myself pointing at the pea pods on the screen and saying, you missed one. Very nice haul you had there. The beets were terrific. Still want to taste broad beans. Maybe next year. Good going, my friend.

  5. When I offer broad beans to others some will say no thank you don't like them. but have you tried them straight from the garden I say? No, why?  Because they taste different and thy really do.  Great update.
    Cheers Mike B

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