Come along with Patara and learn how to make the best homemade tomato sauces with your crock pot! Such a great and simple way to make delicious sauces for canning! Enjoy!
VIDEO: Canning Organic Tomato Sauce With Your Crock Pot
Come along with Patara and learn how to make the best homemade tomato sauces with your crock pot! Such a great and simple way to make delicious sauces for canning! Enjoy!
Thank you so much for this recipe! I love the idea of not peeling and ot having to sift out the seeds. QUESTION: if I were to reheat the sauce after pureeing in food processor, could I then just can in jars that have been heated in the oven at 250 and forget about the water bath?
Thanks Patara. I've been wanting to find out how to do this. Love watching your videos.
I have crock pot but not a food processor, could I use a stick blender instead?
I think of you every time I use my Ball Blue Book!
Love your videos,I'm going to try this recipe
easy, love this idea. Thanks for sharing.
Patara water baths her tomatoes after processor step. I don't like all those seeds in my sauce. I run mine through the food mill and then strain out the seeds and can the juice.
I like to skin mine because, if not, the skins peel off later and they end up little pieces of skin floating around. My hubby will cut the ends out, I blanch them for 2 mins, plunge in ice water, skin them, then I cut them, put them in jars, add some lemon juice and stick them in the bath, add vinegar to the canner water, start timing, and done. Now I need a pressure canner. I am hoping to grow a bunch of green beans this year.
Great love your videos! I definately will try this this week!!!Blessings!
I did this summer 2017, doing this again in the coming season
I do my tomatoes almost the same except I put them in the food processor first then in the crockpot. From there straight into jars, saves dirting more pots or bowls.
could you squeeze the seeds out before throwing them in the crock pot?
Is there an updated version of the ball canning book? I haven't found the one you have. Also does lemon juice need to be added for canning? I'm a new canner still learning. Thanks for the video
Wonderful crock pots
Hi can I water can tomato sauce if I add sauteed orions and garlic in the jar?
Thank you for sharing! I am not sure if someone's suggested using a towel under your lid to trap the extra moisture.
I use my crockpot too. I put a dish towel under the lid and it keep it from giving off moisture and then i use my emulsion blender to blend seeds and skin
Couple questions.
I like my peppers and onions mushy in salsa. Can I do this to make salsa and add the peppers and onions from the start with the tomatoes? And do i add the lime juice and spices at the beginning or end
This was Fantastic! I cooked mine over night and only got 2 quarts. So next time I will do them during the day so they don’t get too thick.
You could probably use the stick blender in the crock pot and go straight to the jars. I'm gonna try that. I have tons of frozen tomatoes in my freezer. I'm in Pigeon Forge.
Thank you so much for making this strait forward video, can you please tell me the canning process and storage, Do I just jar the sauce once it's cold adding nothing? And where is the best place to store the filled jars? And once I open a jar from storage do I have to use all of it? Or can it be closed again and restored? Sorry for all the questions just don't want to ruin the harvest.
Thank you! the most simplest way to do tomatoes. Doesn't need to be complicated.
Great information! Thank you!!
some more canning videos for 2020 … please
can you show us the actual canning process
Could you use a roaster instead of a crockpot if you have a lot tomatoes to do?
I use an emulsifier it works way better right in the crock pot after they've all cool down